Personal slaves (Conan Exiles)
Hello, tell me please where I can find these slaves:Lissie(Archer)
Belly Jacked(supervision)
Sigin Reverencia(carpenter)
Marram Cook(cook)
Gardens Prompt (actor)
Frigga Fatal(fighter)
Daya lunar SIP(Metallurgist)
Fires Jabberer(cosewic)
Lassila will have the sanctuary of Derketo which is below the castle Queen of the witches
Belly out of town hunters find a huge wheel of pain above the city almost at the border of the map count
Shendelzare on the ship of the black hand
Take in the Freya camp which was on the hill to the right of the Northern aqueduct
Sigin is also on the ship of the black hand
Marram kind appears only during the cleaning
Gardens caiti also during the cleaning
About Frigga XS
Daya in the city of Hunters, it turns out somewhere in the left block from wheel of pain where is the belly.
About Fires do not know
Well, at least Google, in English the wiki, everything is there
ps Here sylochku on the interactive map there too the info almost about all the slaves
The above map is not correct(or correct to say is not entirely accurate, just the first thing that caught my eye is - Vias and ARS to appear in a slightly different place)
Fig wrote:
Fires Jabberer(cosewic)
In the well of Skelos
Marram Cook(cook) in a disastrous mounds near alchemist, Dai moon(tinned) SIP(Metallurgist) - the city of Seth, near the blacksmith.
Tell me who knows, met a personal slave Armorsmith in the place of recruitment and accidentally killed...he still zastavnitsky or not? Came back the next day armorer level 1(