Is there any wear of the ssd m2?
Soran in advance if this topic already exists. sobsno a question on the topic of the subject, if there is some, Lope and finally live the ssd as interested in personal experience and in General for any useful info I would be grateful)Wear there. For the old SSD from 1,000 to 10,000 write cycles per cell. How modern do not know. Better Google, there is more accurate infa should be.
I was like shitty gurgler, ie to put Windu on m2 is not worth it?
Dmitry Feminisim wrote:
I was like shitty gurgler, ie to put Windu on m2 is not worth it?
Do or what to put on it is not worth it,put in the cupboard for beauty,God just laughing with some people at first to buy something that then not to use it.
Dmitry Feminisim
Forget it and do not worry to put Windu. Schaub SSD died from being overwritten you'll need a lot over time active overwriting. Rather, he you will die from anything else. I have slesnick on Windows and not only in the laptop about 4 years ago purchased, the status of the run through the program still writes excellent condition.
As soon not do. ))
But continue tychit them, because said it was cool. I wonder how many years still declare that it is a dead end direction. :D)
Dmitry Feminisim wrote:
ie to put Windu on m2 is not worth it?
Not worth it. It is generally not worth buying for a gaming PC.
For a gaming PC the most sensible choice, hdd sata 3( with ahci estestveno) in 500GB and external drive just is not active and the system trash.
But now something completely different fashion. Quite often institutions write, I have the game on ssd does not help!.. it requires direct Schaub helped. xd)