Odysseus-the aggressor (X4: Foundations)
How to shoot with it(Odyssey-aggressor),and I can only fire in response to open.To attack they can not only while defending.Drongo414
No, just the main guns. We are waiting for patches, can correct. And while capship here is still the bottom. Turrets are scarce, and they shoot obliquely. Me on this Odyssey took apart a bunch of stinking drones, despite the fact that he was covered with mosquito weapons.
I have let some problem captured after viewing the guide I do not have him on a special mission or not but here's the thing, he periodically stops by itself, and he does damage on the boards and on the highway is not accelerated, so the maximum speed of 3600 m/s although the statistics engine listed 5000+ encountered someone with such a problem?
In canoscom sector VII Which is adjacent to Paranid. In the upper left quarter of the sector.
There are over icons turrets shields at the point that it will be different shooting modes, choose mode shooting at a target