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432379_453csz_as5i9090 29.12.19 10:26 am

Impressions of the game (Cryostasis: Sleep of Reason)

the game is already out who bought/downloaded - share experiences. what is the gameplay? graphics? optimization?
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sTEEL[zed] 29.12.19

the game is finally super! such extraordinary little now, the graphics are interesting, the plot is unusual and the main thing is the ATMOSPHERE in which to immerse myself... I'm IN! the only confusion is daemon tulz about Nada put, there Securom ruthless)

Supervisor 29.12.19

And buy it is a pity, perhaps, our most promising horror-shooter?

New_Boez 29.12.19

support domestic developers!

Rancor7 29.12.19

The game class is our response to the Bioshok!

qpSNAKEqp 29.12.19

RavenС aka Todak
I have no so much money to each game a lot. A lot of pirates no sense, easier to download.

I tried with latest version of Deamon Tools Lite (4.30.1) and Y. A. S. U. course.

Now about the game:
The game is interesting, the graph is good, especially liked when the room thaws. But I don't be not afraid, see what happens next.

qpSNAKEqp 29.12.19

No OUR reply to Bioshok and Ukrainian. And Russia and Ukraine, if Liba has not slept))), it is not one state.

Arguru 29.12.19

to buy sorry

to buy the product in cases where it really is worth the money. practicality - not the greediness of...

sTEEL[zed] 29.12.19

or if you are going hewing on the Internet

HaZe007 29.12.19

in the options there is no enable console!!!also you can include???

parnishayo 29.12.19

That's because of people like you and not a single state, Ukraine and Russia are one inseparable, so for us, don't worry about the domestic game.

ErlebNis 29.12.19

The game is good! Graphics on max is impressive in places, well-optimized it is never, only slight jerking occasionally happen, and so do all nishtyak.

qpSNAKEqp 29.12.19

You watch the news though?

sTEEL[zed] 29.12.19

uh, good then netdebt breed! let's assume that domestic game(because Stalker is also called the national game), but not OUR response to the bioshok.

Red PIAA 29.12.19

Great game,I liked it!!!And to buy not a pity!!!Something like Stalker and Penumbra,and Bioshok not like.

qpSNAKEqp 29.12.19

Haha. And what the game is like S. T. A. L. K. E. R.? If the developers are the same - it does not mean that the games are similar.

ErlebNis 29.12.19

The Soviet entourage

sTEEL[zed] 29.12.19


dimon_metalist 29.12.19

the gameplay is slow, boring, not scary monsters, melee combat seemed out of place at all
the graphics are not impressed - the animation of the monsters is terrible, more or less only effects defrosting
somewhere lost the atmosphere of fear, not nearly as scary

was expecting something creepy, scary, and turned out to be a clumsy story about a meteorologist ekstrasensa, after dead space looks like something ahem... Stalker in the dungeons and at times it was terrible
after a couple of hours of the game down to hell

driller killer 29.12.19

No, Russia is Russia and Ukraine is Ukraine.Long been divided and have nothing in common(property and etc., well, so of course all men are brothers)Stay there a bit and the illusion will disappear.
So about the game:comparisons in the furnace Suspended animation - unique game with its unique atmosphere and history.Do not expect too much and then not get.

Jhon Wayne 29.12.19

Cool game!