Question-Answer (NOVICE, YOU HERE!) (Half-Life 2)
Here you can ask questions, if you want to get an answer, but remember that specific questions are best ask in the relevant topics:The Passage Of Half-Life 2, Episode One, Episode Two
Technical problems with Half-Life 2, Episode One, Episode Two
The problems with STEAM
Map editor Hammer Editor
Information about the mod look here.
Believe me, it is better to search for already asked this question to you in the relevant thread than to ask it yourself and wait for a response - if it is already answered, find themselves faster.
The previous version of the theme.
there cockroaches wound up with a finger and bite all over the SDAs, who are stupid questions shaded
why is this stupid questions?questions are very important.
And for each you'll create a separate topic?
In the same subject. I give a tip: call the "Question-Answer" selected in the list the bold is at the top of the list.
I have another question:can I use the cheat code to call get mine Alliance?if you can then how?
Well it's not the same Mina. The mine is combine_mine, and create a "poidee" should give combine_mine.
Is it possible to remove the menu during games on the Internet? When you press, but that it was not visible. And I'm so in No More Room in Hell need to do and then glitch allows you to play a demo game normally, and it only works with the menu.
In my opinion, there is only her and the console will not be visible %) when I remember - I will unsubscribe.
r_drawvgui 0
What this bug is the skybox?
This is something like effect of a thousand mirrors when a player flies off the map, but there is on the Marie, and the distortions are not visible from anywhere on the map, but only from some places. On one of my maps this bug is also observed, this screen with some custom.
I with crooked rasdial zone, and considered that this land the skybox you can't see it, I had this on NB Jack)
Here's a question, in EP2 color correction, something not fully working. As if the blend isn't at 255, and 120-200. No busy effect.
As if the blend isn't at 255, and 120-200. No busy effect.
Perhaps it was because of your proximity to a correctional entity. You make the CC to entity, or thinking available? If the first - to create entity away from the place where you plan Scrin, if the second and perhaps the reason in the settings of the existing entity. As far as I know, manage entities, you can use ent_keyvalues, ask Alex, he should know exactly how to use it.
to manage the settings dialog, you can use ent_keyvalues, ask Alex, he should know
Lol, I don't know. Have not used this method, and already installed the map entity usually correction just get saturated.
How do you use it in this case, Nihi? Through smog? to create entity on the map? or changing filters when using original entity maps EP2?
Garry himself said it is hard to do
Times are hard, then perhaps. There is a mod with a custom portalgun on HL2.
In General, I think it works like this:
ent_keyvalues id key 1 value 1 key 2 value 2
id you can learn from .ent-file by opening the desired Vrsnik GCFScape'om. The key that you will likely have to change, maxweight is the value of 1.0 - in General, look at the structure of the color_correction entity, think of what sort of clues behind that can answer, here's an example from the map аутланд_1:
origin -530 24 952
targetname colorcorrection
StartDisabled 0
minfalloff -1
maxweight 1.0
maxfalloff -1
filename scripts/colorcorrection/cc_01_1.raw
fadeOutDuration 0.0
fadeInDuration 0.0
classname color_correction
hammerid 61161
Garry himself said it is difficult to do.
He just broke))
There is a mod with a custom portalgun on HL2.
And for that mod?