Vulkan 60 fps lock (Red Dead Redemption 2)
Good time of day. Updated with i7 CPU 6700 at Ryzen 3800x. Moved onto a new system from scratch, installed the game and...Selecting API, Vulkan can't limit the frame rate more than 60. Despite the fact that dx12 works. BEFORE updating hardware and Windows safely put 75 Hz on the monitor and the game on the volcano saw them, worked fine. Now, create a custom resolution with 58,59,61 Hz - the game sees them. This creates 62,63,64... - sees. Permissions are changed via the nvidia control Panel. Someone can faced, in what could be the problem? Thank you.mavbrd2
Try PZHLSTA in Afterburner MSI 4.6.2 Beta 4.
Scanline sync -1
Put your 75 Hertz.
Framrate limit nowhere to put it!
The plane just before it shut off everywhere.
Text me about the result.
It did not help. 75 Hz are issued on a volcano when you turn off vertical sync and choose window mode with no border. But before that, well the game worked better in full screen, and Vert.sync means able. So I would like to get back to that state when I played at 75 Hz with the vertical sync.
Just checked. Doom (2016) when you include Vulkan and vertical sync, all works fine at 75 Hz. So I suspect the problem in the rdr, and not in the api as initially thought.
Here's the problem, I turn on my 240 Hz monitor over & under, as I think I have input lag or no?)
Is, but it is very good. small. It's almost not noticeable delay. This is in case of disconnection of fries (g) Cinca. 60-75 gercovich with V-sync in the area 35 m+. inula adds to the time frame, just do not remember.
Led camera not nice people nauseated usually.
60 Hz +50 m. sec will. Something like this.
Ryazancev wrote:
60 Hz +50 m. sec will. Something like this.
But how to measure?
Why not 16.6 MS?
From the figures?
An interesting topic caught)
Input lag.
How to measure and how it felt? What is this?
I include vertikalno sync on 60 and there are no gaps. And generally what breaks it? Well, off I just and fps are more than 60. And why fps is under 200 or under 1000...
Put on 60 and everything goes smoothly. Or I do not understand modern youth gaming? The topic is interesting and strange kind.
Yesterday at foreign forums I read on your topic. Vkratse:
While all the lines vertical change, the next frame will not lay down.
For 60 Hertz FULL HD1124-1125 lines without V-sinc the time of the subsequent frame is +- equal to 1000 MS/ 60 fps (Hz). See the gap image. At 2560*1440 on my 1480 rows vertically, I have forgotten exactly.
If you enable V-sinc the display time of each frame is delayed 1000/60*3(Where 2 is the total time to update all the rows and one for lack of additional lags).
Honestly about 50 I'm not sure, my guess. But the fact is that 16,66666 M. S.*2 =33,3333. And most likely Invidia adds 16,666 by this time for full smoothness.
Why this conclusion.
We've played with strings sync. If the line updates to drive FOR the lower part of the monitor, the input lag is barely noticeable. But sometimes there microfreeze, no smoothness.
And V-SINC smoothness is great, but inputtag POPABOL.
So to this conclusion came that when V-sinc is 1 frame in the buffer with 16,666 in stock for smoothness.