SnipeLobbybot - what's the password prompts? (Fortnite)
Can't log into my account in Snipelobbybotasks for a password which I don't remember
wrote in tweeter I have a 2 day ignore
Guys who knows the answer
It requests the password from your account. Forgotten password recovery request via email which linked account
Yes, just go to the official website of Epic Games and there looking for where you can log in to your account and its there where the line password will be on the right or bottom of the forgot your password? (eng. forgot password?) imagesi it and you'll be asked to enter your email. Next is a letter in the mail cecause her and follow the link in the email
then ask for another password from the uchetki in epic geyms there's even a dedicated
Then remember the password you entered when you first log in as an user or create a new account.