Why Takaha still alive? (Prince of Persia: Warrior Within)
Why Dacahu was still alive!?I saw how he fell into the abyss!! Why he appears later!
And who's to say that the game is a different ending?
The Prince kills Kalina and all!!!!
It can only be killed by water, and two endings.
Collect all the health gain will get a water sword, it will kill the dahaka, swim with kylene.
This is the ending for the third part. Where to find all the health look at one of the local topics.
Dahaka was still alive only by the fact that you travel in time. and change, as his and its fate in different directions
Hmm and the fate korolevy time so it is possible, right? Fate changed the tide for everyone! ...
Dahaka generally higher over this fate, he is the Keeper of the flow of time, and it Fig. And even more dropping it like the code here teleportals as they used to do when the Prince is not in the access area.
go to this website and there you will see a campaign to collect all health upgrades!www.princeofrussia.narod.ru
And what if to collect all of the increase in life in the end is not nodo will Dahakas to fight???
Fight with kylene.
The collection of all upgrades with Dah and Kylie will help you to valnut. Each of the different endings of the final rollers, but you still can't change your destiny....
I after completing the game, no videos, just the titles went.
Or a pirate or a weak video card.
dahaka survived for two reasons
1 the Prince condemned him to the Mat for it, he decided to otomstit
2 the deep was not very deep and he fell seam, but not on your ass
Bbbbbbllllaaaaa you th entirely e..mentioned,dahaka himself destiny,he never dies,he is invulnerable and immortal!!!!!
In fact, the script the appearance of the Dahaka responds only to the Water sword. Breaking the game, I managed to kill dahaka with all the swords. Kailina also you can try all the swords except Water. With a Water script the start of the battle does not start.