Problems and their solutions. (The Talos Principle)
Write here your problems with the game.Dima Серов1488
Well, there can only guess:
1. The installation path is correct C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\commonThe Talos Principle or C:\Program Files (x86)SteamsteamappscommonThe Talos Principle\?
2. Operating system not XP?
3. Update wood + reinstall 3 times normal matter.
Although I wonder phenom 9750 3 days danced with a tambourine, and the core i5 3570k from start and without glitches.
Another link to the tablet without missions in the Church
P. s the Voice of Elohim with this tablet, you might be missing !
I have no voice of the narrator of Elohim. other sounds there are. does anyone know what to do?
How to remove the inscription the available cheat codes???? hate hangs and does not disappear
I searched the English forums, write whatever you like. Just boot from sohranki to use cheat codes. I did so, the menu is Rezervnye save.
Wait for normal crack, and yet to choose: either crashes with the"application has malfunctioned, or play without Elohim.
Fill in your post that the voice of Elohim with this tablet is missing.
Found tablets under suitable processor ) - there are already more than 300 medication options!
On the 2nd floor the game does not start not because of stars but because of an intentional bug, which is present on the pirates. To the Elevator stuck between the 1st and 2nd floors have the game folder to move to C://Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/.
At the top of the screen displays the number of unspent stars, for access to the star room of the star are spent in a quantity of 10 pieces for each room, that is, if you have collected a total of 19 stars, after opening one of the rooms 10 Grand to spend on the castle and the top of the screen will be 9.
How many of star of the rooms you opened? If 2, then everything is fine, 9 you still have the 10 I is on the 3rd floor of the Tower.
Hmm... Well, if the license, I don't know... no, I know. You in the terminal on the ground floor, unblocked 2 floor? There in the terminal utility, there is a special for Elevator control, issued a list of floors with their status (locked/unlocked), second floor rasplachivaetsya just by pressing the appropriate button, but the 3 floor and then asked to enter 3 digit codes that will need to find (it's very simple, even do not go anywhere).
Who played The Talos Principle ? Why my game crashes after saying Good Day " if someone were and you decided to help.
1) Installed the game in C:\program filesx86\The Talos Principle. As expected
2) Windows 7, Intel Core I5, 4Gb, 2.7 GHz.
3) requirements the game is suitable.
4) Shaking 3 times with different sources. Not found normal.
5) Pirates.
Who rocked, skinte in lichku NORMAL repak or a solution to this problem. Thanks in advance.
By the way, after departure writes here such error
Installed the game on my way to Program Files .
Is there any way to solve this problem?
About the error has already written to the PM, the subject, at my request, once again opened, now write about the terminals and passwords.
Which of the screens is not visible 3-digit password? )))
The terminal on the 2nd floor
Here Shepherd writes us a note (readme file)
on the 3rd floor
And here in the file OsirisPassword (Password Osiris) has an entry Floor4_Password =... (Пароль_от_4_этажа = ...)
on the 4th floor
Same as on the 3rd floor, only the file like corrupted and part of the text is unreadable
Carefully re-read all the posts in the topic Questions on the passage.They pointed out how and where to install the game
After activating the cheat codes are gone, the scoreboard(which was upper left), tips(for example when you put or take an object) and stopped to show wall murals... the Way to remove the writing with the command hud_bShowCheats = 0
But damn teleport your ass could...(
Help solve the problem, for me to play a totally not nice =(
Here is the writing I play
achievement 'transgression' earned, but not awarded due to cheating
They say because of cheating I will not get achievements how to fix it...
And Yes, load earlier save does not work.
I bought on the incentive bonus for this game for 129 rubles, as in log attached in this part of the game, I can't understand.
If you bought DLC Prototype in the main menu click on item campaign, and if bought Bonus Content, then So -> further reading.
what to do help???
Put the crack from here:
With this crack the game will not be the voice of Elohim, but no other choice.
Where is this section for the passage?
can not seem to find here tablet under my video card amd radeon hd 7800 series
Daniill Jurov
I can not find a pill under my video card
And do not ever find. Don't even try. Better look where your CPU, because there is only a model of CPUs is presented and there are no cards there.
Although it seems to me that there is generally everywhere the same crack in all folders is.