Reapers if they were in Andromeda? (Mass Effect: Andromeda)
Reapers if they were in Andromeda? Or are they just in the milky way the extinction of species been doing?Анжелика04
The Bazaar was like only about 1 galaxy. About the other nothing was said.
we show in ME2 that they fly up to the spiral, logically, could fly to another. Here as the authors will decide
How could they be there? Leviathan (or as they call it?) lived in the milky way, created the Catalyst who created the reapers and gone-gone fun for our little (relatively) galaxy. So it is unlikely that they could be in Andromeda.
But it biovars, they have this secret corspecteer initiative, about which not a word was in the trilogy, supposedly advertised to the entire galaxy between 2-3 parts and 3 parts on it still no one knows. Even Shepard, in which one sends a brave pioneer far you...ahem, far-distant galaxy.
It is logical that they could escape as the Getae, behind the veil some, just a little bit further, so about them no one knew.
Frontier buccaneer
said in the dark space, and it's Wikimedia - the physical space between galaxies the Universe. so it could. but the authors have decided otherwise
Well, Yes, there are dudes with basketball hoops on their heads)
tony_001 pretty well described it.
Frontier buccaneer
stupidly he described it. TC we there were other and more advanced, and they did nothing, disappeared
Evidence to suggest that Andromeda would have killed them - no, at least not yet
So no one says that in Andromeda they would have been killed. The cycle, launched the catalyst, most likely operates within the milky way. As the explanation good enough.
Maybe in Andromeda, too, have something similar, but it is unlikely that massive.
Frontier buccaneer
as they say - wait and see what they are up to. Although there are likely all around our invasion will spin. kind of like the first contact war)
Well it is clear. Dudes lived in peace with their conflict (most likely), and then flew some chancy and want in our galaxy to settle. Not order, to reclaim their territory, and at the same time to seize the galaxy for the glory of basketball hoops.
Damn, those rings really soon in meme will become)
Vladislav Kovtunenko
But it was not a Reaper, not the Reaper. Can any fur natives.
Frontier buccaneer
we arrive to arrange chotko democracy and tolerance, and local totalitarian tyrants will have to leave, or will bombline to the stone age. something like this
Frontier buccaneer
Leviathan was afraid that robots will destroy all life, but did not think that they can in a neighboring galaxy robots to capture and destroy, and then go to capture the milky way. Vid different race too, it could create developed machines like the reapers. Especially if there life is not one destroyed.
It seems to me that a Andromeda the reapers, too, will have to look. Vet race in Andromeda, too, could create synthetics and the reapers won't tolerate that. Or maybe even Andromeda embedded spy reapers like sovereign which will open the relay of the invading army.
Well, I have already said, the Andromeda serious problems with the script and communication with the trilogy.
if initially the reapers did not come from Andromeda.
in DLS of approximately massefect you can understand that was very cool of ctulhu and pravelo the entire galaxy. then they made the reapers the reapers they shook and he Jacoby nadmozg decided that we should reap all the races before they make their robots which will be to oppress them.
was or not they are in the Andromeda the principle is nowhere mentioned. but how would they have wasn't some physical reason for there not to be.
from Andromeda and all the neighboring galaxies could bump what the devils the highly developed and occupy the milky way if not carried out in other galaxies beating the aliens regularly.
I finally thought of as quite likely the plot of Me4 Andromeda. what is the next-gen technology and I went to andomeda machit reapers and to create a democracy there is any.
if the Reapers would have invaded the space Andromeda, they would be dotted to hell, seen what sort of monsters healthy??
MunchkiN 616
Cthulhi made first Catalyst, which gave an interesting order, so that he began to destroy the reapers all intelligent life that can create synthetics that in turn will destroy the organic (e.g. geta, they began to think, here we go, the fresher decided to take them down and geta threw boats from their home planet and took it).
the reapers were created by the leviathans, who lived in the milky way. And the Directive they have to protect the milky way. As they say: We are your salvation through destruction