Costume master of the Templars (Assassin's Creed: Rogue)
How to get? What a legendary battle?For destroying the legendary ships, which are indicated by the red vehicle on the map.
Borov Ra
in the North Atlantic there are 3 legendary battle.after 3 battles, you receive 1 superlegerra battle)there's a fairly complex ship + 2 ship to the aid will come.
clear. the ship is still not the end improved. well, as for complexity as in black flag or harder?
there like I have not had any problems with them
Borov Ra
The first 3 are easy, you can go even without a fully upgraded ship, and the latter complex.
By the way the suit is one of the best in the game, really worth it for him to pass the last paparaziiii ship.
one can not understand why no suit from the picture. the Templar costume hooded
for the last ship,need special tactics. you need to stand in front of him and burn him with fire, causing him great damage, and shooting mortars leaves a little life, but still need a couple to win.
This is the usual costume of the Templar, only with a hood. Perhaps it was added to show that Shay was a assassin
damn don't get how you fire rock
I settle down to his nose, but he always turns away (well, not the fool type)
Well, Yes, I would also like in this to play, but Templar is a pity you do not wear hoods
Borov Ra
We need the acceleration to apply, as when a battering RAM. RMB, the forward arrow. And accelerate to his nose until he turns.
If problems with the walkthrough, then here's a video of the battle with Storm fortress
in black flag, they are 4 and rogue only 2 ....., it's a shame the rogue easier to pass legendary ships
thanks to everyone I passed) and the suit in the picture looked better IMHO
stand by my dark
I have all legendary ships destroyed,but I didn't get the costume master of the knights Templar