Tell me about fashion (Fallout 4)
Honestly, I bought a new PC, installed favorite folic, but saves no! I pass over. Quest Molecular-level. And just refuse to go to any organization because it is still a 1.5 day quests from organizations. Does anyone know of a mod or mods which allow no factions to build a teleporter, or introduce new, actually just in any place or any organization, because it has already passed for all. Thank you.3 Comments
X Ishimura X
What sense then to play, if you're not in a rush? In General, there are also console commands, one run StartQuest hated quests ID quest CompleteAllObjectives complete a different quest ID .
Jack_Play wrote:
Does anyone know of a mod or mods which allow no factions to build a teleporter, or introduce new, actually just in any place or any organization, because it has already passed for all.
try this -
the translation here -