Not included in the network (SoulCalibur 6)
Steam version, Deluxe. Today included, and the network never goes down. In account access are not banned. Stops after loading the game on the inscription Verification of network data. Offline you can play online no. Who else right? Maybe some maintenance on the servers? Anybody heard something?aleksmenshikoff
Now I tried to run (even via VPN), is also deaf, so the problem of developers, maybe the problem or prepare a new patch!
Not che,it's a reference to T6-during the search of the enemy it was necessary to look at the red circle there is a blue compass.
Still no change. Here Kazlu I ruined the evening. Though notified on its website that they have going on there and for how long. The incentive on the forum too, the people waiting in bezizvestnosti.
Good afternoon! I download different assemblies and versions of SC VI with a description that each of the repacks contains a multiplayer. In fact - in none of the releases (pirate, of course) does not let the network, swears at the lack of connection to Steam, there is no multiplayer. Has the situation changed in 4 years? On pirates only a single?