Complaints on officials servers (Minecraft)
Quite the right topic, so...Rules for filling:
1. Your nickname on the server.
2. Nick admin / moderator.
3. Description of the situation.
Please complaint not to discuss, soon you will answer in private messages on the website or on the server itself.
1.faceflexit(well, you already know me)
3.on screen everything is clear, but if you reveal the situation, it is a clear abuse and misuse of their capabilities, I believe that administrators should be exact for any provocation and insults, maybe, if not, will use their opportunities for fun or purely personal purposes, such as Mut for 99 years or similar. in any case, please follow these noble guardians of order and to take the necessary measures. I do not deny that I'm breaking the rules, but my goal is to check for lice such microludes, otherwise proper moderation and compliance with the rules will not be achieved if, again I repeat, it will be used excessively or in one direction only(personally, I'm for equal rights for admins and players). and I ask you to follow not only for this specific case, but in General for all adminkim composition. it gives someone Muta as it should, and someone indulges, as does my favorite fatimushka. in any case, I hope for mutual understanding and future cooperation in the exposure of such individuals
No violations of the Modera do not see. Muta reset at 5 am. (99 years there or 1 day).
PS the gifted players whom Muta is not treated, start treating alternative means - bans.
1. Haythem#2944
2. Gnusmas
3. Gave ban in discharge for no reason. Or rather, I wrote that you CDA and immediately flew to ban. Is this ban? I would be very grateful if you take away this individual's rights in discorde. And even more grateful if you will remove the ban, and the news you need, nick Haythem#2944
1. Haythem#2944 is not in the list of bans
2. Gnusmas has no right to ban in discorde and, accordingly, the ban could not.
3. it was probably used rancid the invitation
more tearful request not to be seen.) what's the news, there's nothing new in six months.) plus remember you on the server behaved. say thank you that ban only in discorde.
Muddied the expression nájera him something there considering that fuck - swearword. Tried to reason with him, even referred to the Wiktionary, where fuck is described as a vulgar word, a euphemism (which by definition is a word, substituting another, more coarse).
You have moderators or whatever what are the rules of the Russian language follow?
Consider that the user wrongfully wrote me a Mut in retaliation for something I don't agree with him.
Required to hold an educational conversation with the person.