I found the coolest gun !!!!!! (Freelancer)
It is on the basis of Bruschal this database system Frnkfurt this gun - torpedo setting Sunslayer one torpedo is worth more than 7000 and the gun is about 150,000 . In direct contact with any ship carries to hell :-) I have all the map crawled to find this crapAnd I have an opinion about awesome guns.The best option in my opinion Taco(just so I and fly on Titan).Two guns of the ninth grade a Wyrm Type 2- defeat in the one-shot 652,326 armor(these guns found at OMICRON alpha,on broken ships around nomadski holes).Then on Titan energy are two nomads and two diamonds. This layout of weapons is good because it is combining and nomadski guns and secret weapons get a decent supply of energy intensity,which is missing in battle. To match the diamond's got a gun Cerberus,the damage is the same,but brilliantovye the shots look more fun. Cerberus also you can dig in outcasts ships in OMICRON alpha,near nomadski hole. Here's another wonderful thing you can dig there-this is the most powerful mine in the game the Ripper well, or the Ripper,the damage she 3912,and the armor blows in 1956.And it is like one hit killer sun,that entire 7+ thousand one mine. And I see people use flashy mine,so look better.And the tower one hell what to put,still consider not using it(but if you ship sword,the tower is used in full).I tower 10lvl not found(((
Omikron Yes I agree with you.I have the eagle fighter in General so improved,I have a balance of guns here's
3.The guard
4.The guard
5.The explosion of the sky
6.The explosion of the sky
7.The boat is the killer of the sun.(sold only in the system of Frankfurt,on the basis of Bruchsal)
And look here 2 guns Diamond is 2346+2 cannon Guard, too, 2346, plus explosions sky 472 and put here the result is 5100 somewhere with that damage I became invincible even one fighter can't kill me
By the way the system is unknown, I also flew.It's so steep.There is one nomad I didn't fail (why am I bragging).By the way the fighter eagle I bought the system on OMICRON Theta Freeport 9 or something.The way the system is unknown so beautiful.Eagle I have a thirty-second level
but not only Bruschi sold by the killer of the sun, sometimes seen in random systems leylandii
I have nomadica fatty shoots a gun blows 50.000 25.000 armor and shield it's a gun most people can only get with save editor freelancer on the site too and I was there in comments wrote how to make there ship even Wanderers can do this gun no I just put a lot of these guns Wanderers 56 pieces and huge damage happened, why not more, and just play it ;)
Vsevolod Cabin
M you should have looked what year this comment -_-
I don't think he still need an answer.
Himself on the sabre set,2 guns tizona del CID(1,000 damage to shields,but almost no damage to the body),2 gun Wild fire(like one of the best if not the best of those that can be removed from the ships) and 2 guns of the Strangers, and some kind of turret,this allows you to shoot long enough with all the weapons and inflict quite the damage.
I have no mods and had blasters and cannons Nomads.
In different shipwrecks once found two pairs of the same secret guns
They would like to drop the original.But there is a secret cannon,here you can find the location and performance characteristics of guns and not only https://freelancer.fandom.com/wiki/Class_10_Weapon and pick out what is necessary.