The parameters of the ship's crew (Assassin's Creed: Odyssey)
Actually a question how to change the ship's crew?Not particular team members,namely the command itself in the vehicle parameters. I have available only to team Barnabas" and only 1 skin for the ship Chimera thank you in Advance for your reply.
As you progress you'll discover new locations and the wreck of ships and you'll find in chests a new team. Also new sails will receive after the destruction of the legendary ships
Thanks,Yes it seems there are few places searched,but the team never came across,I'll look for then)
Look in the awards Yupley. I have a free two of the crew gave the assassins a husband. and wives.
In the sea near Thermopylae with something with the Persians, in the chest, the command of the Persians will be
Ilya Lyapin
Thanks already found at sea, the crews of the: Spartans, Athens and the Barbarians)
Also found a pirate skin on the ship.
Spoilered for a quest on the pirate island
But I'm more interested as to urge the ship's crew ashore for assistance in battle
Nicholas Ololi
Called not the whole team, and one of the mercenaries. You need a skill in a branch of the murderer.
Team in underwater locations, the Spartans in the cave East of Athens, if I remember correctly