Rip file C:\XXX\No Man's Sky\Binaries\SETTINGS\TKGAMESETTINGS.MXML Notepad, find the string - Property name=LanguageSetting value=english change english to English, save.
Then pens to write on the file TKGAMESETTINGS.MXML path No Man's Sky\Binaries\SETTINGS. The file opens with Notepad, WordPad or Identify++.
I have pirates, so there is in the file TKGAMESETTINGS.MXML in the value= is written instead of the english default, what do I do with this?
cemenlws wrote:
TKGAMESETTINGS.MXML in the value= is written instead of the english default
damn, the same problem. can't turn on Russian language.
Version Steam not working this way to be?
UPD: it hit Me! The Steam library - right-click on the No Man's Sky - Properties - language - ubiraem Russian in the drop-down list.
To change the language,in a folder, No Man's Sky\ binaries
open Notepad file steam_emu
and change the language language english to russian
The question of a similar nature: how to print the names of planets and areas in Russian? Is there any such possibility?
downloaded the game from torrent, also in English language, no similar files are not in the game, though when installing, it gave the choice of language, I set Russian as possible?
Attention! If you don't have these files, if you've downloaded an online torrent to play online, you'll need an "OnlineFix.ini" file that's in the No Man's Sky folder.
The language is changed in the file [% appdata% Goldberg SteamEmu Saves settings language.txt]