Bar Jack Yellow (Grand Theft Auto 5)
Bar “Yellow Jack”Bar “Yellow Jack” — a place for free communication on abstract themes within the rules of the site.
Rules of communication:
• Respect your interlocutors;
• To correctly Express their thoughts when writing messages;
• It is forbidden to use profanity;
• Do not stretch the topic of large images.
The maximum allowed image width — 640px;
• It is forbidden to write your posts in a row.
Use the "Edit" button in the right
the bottom corner of the post to Supplement the existing record;
• It is forbidden to create a new talk/bars/clubs;
Other conversational topic on GTA.EN:Shoutbox
GTA.EN Old School Club
In this case, you need to create these bars in all the forums of all games.
However, the active crew forums on the site are relatively few.
Why are the bars on game forums, where no one sits?
But on all more or less populated forums conversational topics are available.
Examples: Spore (Center Blow), HL2 (Bar Dead Hèdkrabom), TES3 (the southern Wall).
Well, it's not even trolling, was simply a discouragement for some.
A Troll here first, will not work, and secondly, it is not necessary. Go somewhere else.
there's nothing senseless than attempts at trolling
A serious statement )
Corrected cap threads. On OK, and PG had problems with the background.
We had 2 svezhenanesennyj account, 75 provocative pick, 5 thick yutubovskih video
gender-folder packageyou and a whole lot of critical phrases of all sorts and colors. Not
what would it have been enough to seat on the website. But if you started to Troll, it becomes
it's hard to stop. The only thing that caused me concern is Nothing in the world
there is no more helpless, irresponsible and depraved than trolling on
I knew that sooner or later we will get into that stuff.
PS Reminds bar for moderators, lol.
Happy new year 2015! Congratulations to the members of the forum, colleagues at the workshop moderator and the regulars of this forum. Alcaro hi with 2014. )
Artificial this artificial activity.
"Don't be hysterical, right here, (PI-and-and!), tears — it's just the weather forecast." © gr. "Leningrad"
Born on Herzen street, in the grocery store number 22. Well-known economist, calling her a librarian. The people — the farmer. In the store — the seller. In the economy, so to speak, necessary. That is to say, the system... uh... of 120 units. Photographed in Murmansk Peninsula and get a te-le-fun-ken. And accountant working on another line — the line of the librarian. Because no air will be academician! Well, you can take a picture of the Murmansk Peninsula. You can become an air ACE. You can become an air planet. And you're sure that this planet will take on the tutorial. So, for the benefit of physics will one planet to go. Value, cut off in the area of diplomacy, gives its vibrations to the entire diplomacy.