Stuck in the data store (Prey (2017))
And can someone tell me? I'm stuck.This is my SECOND time to the data warehouse.
the task is to restore from a backup. All that can be open is open, all that can be activated -activated. In the job log is one nevypolnenie subjob. To unlock the door (data warehouse)
The beacon shows -to approach the security Desk. I have it but did not work there. On the terminal -access control in a Central archive-a critical error.. and cause the engineer, blah-blah.. Back to back-the door is locked by order of the Director. I have been everywhere. the third day of sitting-nothing helps.
Thank you.
Just loaded a save just before this quest. Went into store, went into the booth guard, there in the terminal the vault - two buttons: Open access and Close access. Clicked open - quest completed, the vault was opened.
Trainers used?
no. all passed without trainers. Trainers have tried through walls - does not work.
The vault - two buttons: Open access and Close access. - both inactive. In the Repository I the SECOND time. the first time I opened it, completed the main quest. Now come for more and can't get out.
One hundred twenty three million four hundred twelve thousand three hundred forty five
123412345 wrote:
the task is to restore from a backup
What have you done this once again quest was not done or what? So save glyuknul, apparently.
I was under the impression that the job was given again at the entrance to the location... because I found under the table fried hard drive. and all sorts of stuff. and I came for father Baba some. should the passage through the wall or something else to get out. in Sobraniyah I removed the location-doesn't help. The game says the download is corrupted, I removed it)))
also such trouble. I just haven't left the vault and set Ekaterini in advance fulfilled. In the security room no power supply in the monitor. Top fixed 3 power supplies, but nothing gave.
Made a screenshot
Despite the fact that downloaded save to perform this task and immediately ran.
Power was not originally. Maybe I'm not there or something confusing? Out I can, but as you know once. Through the spacewalk.