Your Dominic (The Godfather 2)
Sobsno my brother =)F. A. B. R. I. K. A. T. O. P
You really mate )))
Here's mine:
Darius aka BJayDS
Don Marzaglia
Why the flood? Buy - pour that's the end all to inform their plans?
People, if you're business is diamonds seized and armor give you, you can do something like that, that he was under the clothes?and then I even do not really like to wear clothes and armor on it
The boys lay out small screens and that theme is growing on a lot =) ...
and have me Dominic look like Michael Jackson...really...current damn the Internet tupit can't get the screenshot to paste bitch
They are in a gay parade going? even on the radar marked with letter G(Gay party) xDDD
Subordinates also can be edited?