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petja5 18.09.19 08:16 pm

Egypt (Medieval 2: Total War)

After all for Russia, decided to look at the game from the Muslim point of view. For thrills, decided to play for Egypt. After 40-50 moves and visited the first Chervona thought: tailorwikirules troops can not wait. Sadly, though it's obvious: stay in the wilderness more harm than good? The idea of an armored opponent will tire quicker, therefore easier to break. The main thing is to drive it, or rather him, for some time. However, the lack of heavy infantry is particularly acute when Sterne cities/fortresses. I spent about a dozen, and all the time, if not able to spy open the gate and had to climb on the walls, MOU Saracen raked the ordinary militia of the enemy! Threw on the walls of the two-handed topromote (they are hired in the cities) - with the same success. It got to the point, one of the militias barely beaten out two squads of my soldiers approaching the wall from different sides. In this case, if the second gape, first time well to cutting. What the hell?!
Of course when the PDE towers continue to shoot my soldiers in the back, so it's probably the same. But when playing as a European nation such was not observed. There are towers with side loop-holes did not shoot. That is, if you climbed on the wall, you can calmly deal with the squad of defenders, and then to sum up the main force. Is that a feature of the towers of the Muslim city? And anyway, why do they keep shooting, if through them were my soldiers? In the idea they're all killed.
And noticed one peculiarity: for some reason, the fourth level of infantry and the third level luschikov in castles (Negro troops), all inferior to their predecessors. They are more expensive, and less armor on them, and bonus when the battle in the desert they have. Here what for they then? I have no squad, but to build accounts that would further develop the building. Maybe there's some nuance in these Negro troops, I don't know?
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Nicifor 18.09.19

Egypt cool nation. One of my favorite. Of the infantry he has a good militia with halberds, especially in the towns to yourself practically do not admit anyone. Then is presented the Turkish guard - of turboradial. What else interesting when I was in 1st time in Egypt I tried to take an. the arrival of the Mongols was not ready - all the army is spent on a continuous battle with them. In addition in several provinces I could build cavalry of the Mamluks. Later, I beat the campaign in Egypt and taking into account its error pogotowia more thoroughly - in the end, the arrival of the Mughals I had 5 armies manning the Mamelukes. Put 2 such army on the border with Caucasus, as the Mongols on eunuch or Tbilisi and not snooping although there are not a lot more.

petja5 18.09.19

While I mastered the Turks to win. Despite the fact that pleased me: the Turks have had 2 provinces, though one of them is under siege by my forces, as to me, the Pope declared a Crusade. Adreno had to go to the assault, because as far as I could understand, Egypt is not a nation that can fight on 2 fronts. And in this case is not even 2, and in the case of the Crusades, 3, 5, 7, or more sides. In short, preparing for active defense. The truth is on the walls I POI soldiers are not impressed, at least offensively. So I have the main army to keep out of the cities and try to wear down the enemy in the desert. If possible.
By the way, in the beginning of the game was the ability to make Alliance with Pope (played with Ultimate AI, so the Alliance had to be strong enough), but I'm not use it was that used it was interesting. I'll try to pretend to be Caito ad'Din'a, or whatever his name was. :)

Share nuances of the game on the Egyptians: for sure noticed a lot of them. :)

Merkava 18.09.19

the people in the desert by Arabs 500 years before our era used tailorwikirules soldiers (read the great - not to Sirat) .want to have heavy infantry and cavalry for Muslims ? - Turkey - your choice.

Nicifor 18.09.19

Can you name a few features of the game for Egypt. In General, the army they have a good, though not tailorwikirules infantry and mediocre archers. But near the beginning you can hire a good arbskoy cavalry. By the way for the coming of the Mongols to her, it would not hurt 2-3 times to pump the armor. The basis of podeby for any nation's good economy. So you need to develop in the first place agriculture. It is desirable that such provinces were in the rear - for example Dongola in Africa. Personally, I'm in the game for the Egyptians, the emphasis was put on the horse Malyukov and Mamluk archers plus a little diluted by the Arab infantry. The arrival of the Mongols, it is desirable to have the locks grated 8-10 level (those that are 4800). Of the Mongols I conquered just wear down their forces. Almost the entire game they went back and forth from Yerevan to Tbilisi. And only at the end came to Jerusalem where I finished off. The Crusades I'm not particularly scared because they are well secretsa won't make it = max 1, the province will seize. Sometimes even beneficial to give krestonostsy the city to the Mongols broke.
It is necessary to emphasize that Egypt has a good geographical position - only a few enemies - Turkey, Byzantium, the crusaders and the Mongols. Despite the fact that they don't attack all at once so the time is. Lastly can I say about one good way exhaustion of the Mongols. Building in 10-12 units of ordinary kopeychikov. Mongols come. Precipitated. Hiding his soldiers in the aisles in the middle of the city. Since they are mostly mounted warriors, then their kopeiskii significantly thinned. Even if the city will lose significantly humanises their numbers.

petja5 18.09.19

An interesting proposal to give the city of the crusaders that they would the Mongols dislodged. :)) True Russian do not surrender, even if they are Egyptians. :)))

And against the Turks in the Caucasus mountains, I used such tactics. Break their army, consisting mainly of archers and spearmen, to the mountains and set so that one of God to rest on the mountain on the strategic map. In the end, the attack of the enemy on the tactical map on one side of the slope of the same mountains. Usually there is always an alternation of cliffs and a normal part of the slope, on kotoro you can put soldiers. Usually you can always find a place with one approach. Drove to their soldiers even at the stage of building before the battle. To the aisle - 1-2 unit of spearmen behind the archers in the bunch (when several units put in one place - pandemonium worse than the market), all the others back further, what would in vain Peter not carried. If there are a couple of tarboche - all great.
Being on a hill, archers start shooting much earlier than similar range of the enemy archers. And given that the enemy, going to the mountains, be sure to stretch - so concentrated volley 5-8 units at a time. For Polovinnaya enemy force of such a crowd will be enough to make 3-4 shots. The squad that suffered such losses in so short a time, has a very mediocre morality, the more suitable it is actually one (army-stretched), but once the crowd of enemies. In 4 of 5 cases, with the approach of the enemy troops broke and fled. Well, if even a trebuchet before this a couple of times seedat dead cows at the enemy, we can assume that a victory in his pocket.
In addition, the attack of enemy cavalry in these circumstances, not completely: to accelerate, it can not, therefore nobody will crumple upon impact, and ahead of it will encounter archers, and spearmen. that, too, for horsemen do not have a gut.

However, such a tactic has a few nuances. First, if the enemy has a trebuchet, it may be bad. Of course, being at such a height, your archers can hit the enemy trebuchet when they come within firing range. But in this case they will not be able to Ogoni by rising the troops of the enemy. In General delema to decide which will have, depending on the circumstances.
Secondly, often the archers, firing some squad continue to fire on him, even when he runs. Therefore, it is necessary not to forget about fire control.
And thirdly. If the enemy is stronger than us, or when a poor choice of position will be able to enter the battle several units at once and break your defense - the army will be trapped. So what tactics are beneficial, but, like any other, this"double-edged sword.
The question is only, whether the ride is similar to the tactics against the Mongols and Timurids? The latter, playing for Russia, I was hitting exclusively on the ferries or in the assault. Never lost a battle, and then Russia, and Egypt...

Nicifor 18.09.19

And you build a lot of militia with halberds. Yes, even the armor upgrade to metal armor were to become the same killers as the Turkish Janissaries. What me surprised Egypt is that the Egyptian Mamluks and the Byzantines are the same shape hats - what could it be???

Dzham-Bin 18.09.19

Who wants to play for the rebels?

Kortes 18.09.19

To Nauredin and then Egypt?For your question there is a corresponding theme http://forums.playground.ru/medieval_2_total_war/142918/ -all questions and suggestions otpaivaem there.

Dzham-Bin 18.09.19

Why broken code auto_win

petja5 18.09.19

Unusual nation. Is not like the others, even the Muslims. Play was very interesting, hard, but the experience is still dualistic.
One of the advantages is the fact that Egypt is almost never a problem dengami. However, I had first to attack (and destroy) Muslim brotherhood the Turks, as they occupied a few rich (or potentially rich, if you develop) areas in the Eastern Mediterranean and black sea. I later had 50 moves to fend off the Moors: they took revenge for the Turks. But the money was always in abundance. One Antiochus at the peak of its development was given more than 10 thousand! Plus a fairly cheap troop: by my priekam and a half times less expensive to maintain an army of a similar size and level (though here the analogy is to hold hard), than in Western Europe or Russia.
And now the cons. Heavy infantry is not. Exactly. That is, if a strong enemy climbs the walls, you have to fill it with a bunch of arrows, and then to pray fervently that he still ran. In General each defense of the city into a work of art. Into the field to fight in something easier, and something even more difficult than in the city. On the one hand there is where to turn cavalry (well at least its in abundance, and teenie riders have), especially if you are pushing several armies of crusaders. In postane one thing: many units have a bonus for combat in the desert, and heavy the enemy gets tired quickly. But if you go somewhere West and North - generally tight. After all, there are conversely many units the enemy have a bonus in woods and snow.
The presence of shooting Kavaleri the case is not particularly helpful because kavalenia stronger enemy, except the enemy also, there are archers who can also bullet (often over long distances), and on armored targets strelba archery is not very effective. Note further that very soon after the beginning of the game you will be secured a whole Horde of crusaders, among which are generally much more heavily armored, the game becomes quite fun. :) Yes, note further that all of Europe will be against you, because of the crusade of the pier who will refuse, so you will be war in almost all Nations.
A common tactic of conquest was reduced to predatory raids and fighting off sieges: prepared I may say shock the army has sent spies to find the weak garrison (preferably one to three units), with RAID and it is desirable with small losses we take the city and then sit there while the enemy is trying to get him back. If the enemy is very keen on the return of lost, and there is another army, you can try the same way to chop off his city. And so on. In the end, it works well, but in the beginning, and especially in the middle when I went to the land of the crusaders, it was hard. With the Danes I had to endure 20 or 30 sieges over the same city, or rather fortress: they were not able to take it, and I could not move from there: all of the reinforcements went to recovery losses. It ended with the signing of a peace that gave the ability to fend off other enemies, and then poonith and with the Danes.
In General, briefly the tactics can be described as: robbery and diplomacy. :)

Magon 18.09.19

the Mamluks and neamatalla,here is the real strength of Egypt.

Armalite 18.09.19

>Availability shooting Kavaleri the case is not particularly helpful because kavalenia stronger enemy, except the enemy also, there are archers who can also bullet (often over long distances), and on armored targets strelba archery is not very effective.

By the way, how does Cantabian circle for horse archers? It seems they become less vulnerable to attack enemy archers, no? Not noticed you? :)

petja5 18.09.19

Mameluke - Yes. In the attack it is almost the only striking force. Everything else is just support. But naphtalites I don't understand how to use them effectively. The attack is useless: the enemy launches a counterattack before they can throw at least the first batch of pots. :) In the protection of the same problem of metallomagnetic. The enemy has reached them before. Or rather not to them, and before the distance when naftam have to retreat, which would not get involved in the melee. The only normal use on the walls, especially above the gate. But the principal effect of their presence I did not notice.

2 Armalite
You know, was not noticed. Or rather losses, they of course begin to bear less, but the quality of their ogna reduced, especially if the enemy is garrisoned. Note that archers in the unit half as much, and running around in a circle your horse cool wear themselves out until strelyayut all their ammo. In the end they will be istotnymi and losses from return fire, which in General excludes this group from further battle. Except to pursue the defeated enemy (the horsemen to the moment some rest).

Armalite 18.09.19

petja5, then in your opinion the meaning of this carousel? :)

Just back in Rome I noticed while playing for the Scythians and other nomads that make detachment of Sarmatian or Scythian cavalry with bows of your archers - it is necessary to manage... of Course there are losses, but less in my opinion 1.5-2 times. And still shooting - in the carousel the squad shoots a volley, and constantly... Probably because it seems that the fire is not effective.
PS. Of course I could be wrong, but I would love to figure this out. ;) I hope you will too. :)

petja5 18.09.19

All right, the meaning of the carousel and is. But the real benefit I have of her is invisible. I agree, a detachment of horse archers to make becomes more difficult. But, as I said, the efficiency of fire horsemen is also reduced. I judge by the number of casualties from the enemy. The loss is also small. Firing a volley (under good circumstances) cavalry I have managed to halve to 2 enemy units before they run out of stock. And roundabouts I never noticed before. Like you're shooting the enemy cavalry to karuseli for me, and when shooting my cavalry at the enemy.

Armalite 18.09.19

petja5, will have to check... 1 and the same battle with several options, try to scroll... But when you have time. =)
Do not try in whatever was to defend their Tocco of view, but... it's just the cases are different. Shelling infantry in the front and rear as right and left will give different results. + random developers. :)
But I hope that you are wrong, otherwise it is unrealistic cannot the developers. :(
With respect.

Noga Virta 18.09.19

I've also thought about Egypt, but that do not crush the Timurids the Turks and the Mongols? Troops from the Egyptians light, wall to wall not pass, artillery is not sensible, for the horse-drawn arrows to run too no one.

Yes, and obisanya, how to use neamatalla, and they scho no avail.

Magon 18.09.19

neamatalla need to turn off the car.retreat and control them manually

Reindger 18.09.19

neamatalla will stick on the first series and it is good to protect ones very valuable, I was with a detachment of neamatalla won for 4 units of knights.

petja5 18.09.19

Don't know about you, but I have not dealt with naphtalites. The only place they normlano used on the walls above the gates or on the ferries-bridges, stopping the retreat and protecting the infantry. Though manually controlled, may be in vain. Of course in this case the sides were torches and the archers (if any) artillery. So for me remained a riddle, retreating if the enemy is because of saptamatrika, and most importantly, how early did he start doing that?

Do not crush, if the Egyptians will play man. :) True Turks, I broke in the beginning, until they began to create a heavy army. In the end, the management Board won the war with the Moors, which only defend in cities, always releasing prisoners. And the Mongols and Timurids were beaten either on the ferries (spearmen forward and massed fire archers, Mameluke - in support, if they crush infantry), or in the cities. With the Timurids besiege cities is even easier, because by their arrival I all the cities in the County made the cannon tower. In the end, at the siege I'm not expecting the assault, and begin the onslaught, though a small force! In the end, the computer is stupid and trite is under fire, while almost all his men die. You know, this IA bug developers, but it is, and it is a sin not to use it. :)
Never fight the Timurids or the Mongols in the open field. How to fight against elephants I have no idea.