package XGameShaders neizvestnoi version (Unreal Tournament 2004)
So, I downloaded yesterday UT2004 Conversion Second and decided to play on one server after all packages from the server is loaded, there is what is able to bring to a heart attack:I was looking for a solution EVERYWHERE, but to no avail.
Waiting for an answer.
downloaded what that left the Assembly. download and replace original file otherwise the server will not get
But first try this:
XGameShaders find the file in the folder with the established game. Delete it. Try again to connect to the server. Updated version XGameShaders should sacateca from the server.
Cold Mind
Then it is better to move the file to another location, and then suddenly will not work
Texture files are the Textures folder. All files are the default ones, not custom. This means that, rather this, some pictures it's been edited and saved under the same name, the file spread, and now there are different files under one name, hence the error. Obviously not because of the Russian version of the game, for exactly these files do not contain any bourgeois label.
Here's the standard version of those files, and forget about the existing. Better yet, set a normal clean gourmet version.