Crashes (Far Cry 5)
In General the problem such,after a certain amount of time the game hangs tightly and fix this, while it can happen in an hour or 10 minutes is not clear what it depends on.Does anyone have this problem or am I alone?)
At what resolution the game is when you first start out on how to play and need the default settings. Game files believe.
anyways while I searched the net in search of a solution to the problem, often run across the fact that the need to update various Drava, libraries, and so on. downloaded this ditch Driver Booster 5 with rutora(no links, look for yourself) and like three hours DIN all the rules...
In short I have no crashes, look to put the win 7 compatibility on the game exe and uplay, then the game throw the default setting and still no more crashes.
Also took off,rolled back nvidia drivers and the crashes stopped,maybe someone will help)
Completely agree about the version of the driver. Appeared in new departures. Rolled back to version 391.24
With graphics settings at default, reluctant to play. Went through the whole PC, replaced the thermal paste on the CPU, using special. the program discovered that the batteries in your controller almost zero (replaced). Changed the compatibility mode that way
Spoiler. Seven hours of play at a resolution of 2560-1440 high -normal, hang pictures there.
fire wood updated, crashes, all settings on ultra, in standard settings, only the screen resolution is lower and it does not want to change :/ right now I'll use your advice
Funny story with wood) - the driver 391.35 which is specially optimized for the game far cray 5 - destroys it at the start, with him the game is not working. All past revision well start the game but slower. Card Asus GeForce 1050TI
Downloaded a pirated version.No run, flashed the initial logo and all flight.Thought it a good idea to update the wood, 391.35 upgraded to the gtx 750 ti the same thing happens.All already tried, and compatibility set, and the admin ran and the computer rebooted.Nothing helps.
Departures every 20 minutes, already 2 Repack tried, what the hell it is unclear crashes to desktop without any errors