Damage (Warface)
Recently began to notice that the damage is intermittent, normally it is generally a nightmare no one to shoot, the damage is tiny I have one so or have someone else this problem.Nodes to the soap packets don't want to miss) many... and to gmail or Yandex relatively normal)
It helps us make a balance with the ping.My ping 2-3 sticks but I can not seem to shoot the player with the ping 4-5 sticks of ping
Even if the player is full cancer
First of all because of the ping as mentioned earlier, and secondly, the characteristics of the weapons change all the time and mostly not for the better, just yesterday gave Anakon and had virtually no damage, I could not understand anything, ping me and releasing a clip with Anacona in the butt and not hurt it too much, played before faberman a plus
The night was faced with the problem fabarm is not the damage, but the CW fansatic! What then? I'm in shock!
The player stood sideways to me, almost in the butt. I'm only the sixth shot killed from a sniper, never missing. Or utasa fired point blank several times, also does not always go the damage. Every day disappointed in the game.
Damage depends on the computer and Internet connection if any of this is wrong and disconnects and not re damage.
There are people who are specially underestimate to 1 stick on them then the damage is bad, many use it. There are at least 10 sticks still system will call both players.
How many armchair analysts gathered at the top.... Welded would have a real vegetable soup