N gothic bow (Diablo 2)
~200ed +Damn, I bought ~190 ed as it was without the ias and without any effort :( just ed and ar, still thinking to leave it
apcan! :-)
char_name, I'm not inclined to complain (for a long time, apparently, D2 was not launched ;D), but on KL here fit bows/melee nahodil EXTREMELY rare. and basically it was this: EEH, still max dmg here. but I bought one wallet ~punch top Martel and HE was shoving ~perf top battle hammer. I want to shout Mr. Holmes, damn it, BUT HOW?.
all these bow, at least 2 bow 200ed ias 40 ml ar md - still ticking
nwn2030, no question, but you have all <200% ed :-)
Ias 20 max on Luky KL and Gothic it is not needed
I wonder what will be more damage - Plague loom or skull nock)
Java is decent, and the onion, I think, what kind of dexasone Freezing Arrow + Strafe
and you did this on a classic? dexasone. can you describe raskrasku and smotes. one word BILD. ))
I did, but not you hit, wasn't the bow regulations.
20 Freezing Arrow, 20 Cold Arrow, 20 Strafe, 10+ Valk, 1 in all passive.
Continue to swing the passive, but I didn't come to that.
Stat: to have 100 Vita, under armor Str, the rest Dex. I was running with BO.
gothic bow good - it is important (1-2 ama ~ed ias 200 ML +maxdmg AR dex).
Type what I posted above, only better. Those bows I found after scored on Amu.
Sigon's or Death's gloves+belt
boti 30/10 +a lot of rez
amul 1-2 ama ~20@ + rez stat
ringi rare rez stat ml (can be soj)
Rez will still not be max.
It is possible,I think, to achieve, to ML with DMG enough to not drink cans. Not checked.
SPS. can you try to stir up. She is one person doing HCS? Under Bo and Enem, of course.
Possible. This AMA should be more ++skils, but I'm not so much its image quality, 60 LVL scored.
This build is for fun. Anyway, it won't be a tank like ham, near, Jawas.
It is also possible to use a uniq bow to 35 Crez, but I don't test. Bows are not picked up, and when it fell out.
nwn2030, I frankly do not buzz test cold bawku on CL. it's shit, IMHO that dive out of boredom, those who cannot break away from D2 (worse - when pgshell).
well, years ago, someone raised a similar theme and he had a howl on the head. I decided that it was the only thing that it will be possible to save her. :-)