Bintu (Mass Effect)
When you want to land on the planet of the Bandage, so as to perform the task associated with the Cerberus the game crashes while loading.Gold edition, version 1.02
On Google climb, but nothing helped.
I hope there will be a solution.
Uh.. well finally there is a solution, legal.
With Cerberus like three or four assignments, I do not remember.. they need to perform in order. You seem to base Cerberus flew, on assignment with Kahoku and should be passed last. The last mission with the ship for Noveria where rakhny will report to the General.
In General, the mission of Cerberus, the Bandage should be held first.
So Shaw will have to replay.
Illegal decisions do not know.. well there fixes, console, etc.
Put this fix.
And where is Feros then? )))
And fix this for the pirate, on the license with the Elevator all the rules.
The author can be a pirate with the gold edition.
And, as I recall, in Mass Effect crashes to the planets of the Bandage and the Spac and also in the Elevator at Feroze. This fix fixes everything.
Yes, I have a pirate with the gold edition, this fix fixed it, thanks!
Pirates, not pirates in version 1.02 with a lift everything is normal must be
No, had this problem before on pirates, I do so fix put for the Elevator. Now can Repack with this fix can be, no idea.
But with the Bandage on lincensee have this problem. But personally I have not bought a license, what would it fix to stick and mess up sohranki. So I was poking around and found a legal way how to pass it is necessary that the troubles arose.