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Goryachiy Hot-Dog 26.01.20 02:26 pm

Secrets of the alpha/beta version of GTA 5 (Grand Theft Auto 5)

General information:

- Grand Theft Auto V is the Scottish Studio Rockstar North (they made the previous games in the series);
- The game will be released in the spring of 2013 (April-June) on the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360. Publisher, Take-Two reported that the game will be released "in the next fiscal year" which begins on April 1;
- For the PC version not announced yet.

The plot:

- The game takes place in our days (2012-2013). The main theme of the game is money;
- The passing game will take time comparable to the passage of Red Dead Redemption.
- History has to be several possible endings, depending on decisions made in the game.

The main characters

- Developing the idea of multiple playable characters, Grand Theft Auto V will introduce us to three main characters:

Michael (Michael) – a Bank robber in retirement. Having signed a sweetheart deal with the FBI, he bathes in luxury. However, his wife manages to pull all his money, and he is forced to return to the game.

Trevor (Trevor) – a drug addict and a psycho. A former military pilot, he has also worked on Bank robberies, and now Ekes out a miserable existence on the outskirts of Los Santos.

Franklin (Franklin) – a pickpocket, working for the Armenian swindler who sells cars to youths who are unable to afford them. But when they delay payments, Franklin steals the car. He crosses paths with Michael when he starts to look for something more.

- Player can switch between characters at any time outside of missions. At this time, the camera takes off in the style of Google Earth, and then approaching another character.
Left "in the lurch" heroes do not stand a lifeless idol, and continue to go about their business.
- Rockstar did not attract famous actors to voice the main characters because of the huge amount of text. As Niko Bellic in the last game of the series, Michael, Franklin and Trevor will speak voices of unknown artists.
- Each hero has their own unique hobby, and to deal with it can only this character.
Although Rockstar and did not name specific names, it has been confirmed that Los Santos can be people we knew in Grand Theft Auto IV and Episodes From Liberty City.
- Niko Bellic in GTA V we'll see. Like CJ, Tommy Vercetti and Claude speed.
- The characters will be friends and acquaintances with whom we meet. Already confirmed Lamar (friend of Franklin, a little crazy), Jimmy (Michael's son), Tracey (his daughter), Ron (best friend of Trevor) and Amanda (Michael's wife)
But to call when I got friends we will not.


- Story missions are very varied in style. Some we pass one hero, while others involved two or three;
- When the mission involved several characters, the player is often given the opportunity, if desired, to switch between them in the process. Rockstar does this to the player was always in the center of events, skipping the forced pause;
- In some missions, switching between characters will be done by script, without our participation;
For some missions you will have to pay;
- Each of the three main characters has a full story line, but Rockstar did not to keep a complex mission to the final. The process of development of the plot peppered with a complex multi-stage heists in the spirit of the beloved mission “Three Leaf Clover” from Grand Theft Auto IV;
- For the first time in the game of GTA series, Rockstar uses music to add tension to the mission.


- The scene: southern California. The imaginary city of Los Santos is the embodiment of Los Angeles;
- If to take into account how landscapes and interiors, in the city of Los Santos will fit the worlds GTA IV, San Andreas and Red Dead Redemption combined, and still have free space. Grand Theft Auto V players will be the greatest in the history of Rockstar games site;
- The map is completely open from the start, with the exception of some secret areas;
- Locations that we'll see: beaches, vineyards, a large wasteland, surrounding fully available for research, military base, suburban hills, flowing into the bustling city centre. We may even be able to walk on the bottom of the ocean along the coast of Los Santos, if you catch the scuba;
- Already known locations: Rockford Hills, Blaine County, Vespucci Beach, mountain Čilliad, district Alamos Sea, designed on the model of the Salton Sea. Some borrowing from the real Los Angeles: Hollywood (Vinewood), Downtown Los Angeles (Downtown Los Santos), Koreatown (Little Seoul), Venice (Vespucci) and Santa Monica;
The ecosystem will be realistic, appear animals, starting with dogs. No, to play for them will be impossible;
Store Ammu-Nation returns;
- The game will be night clubs with bouncers.

Technical issues:

- The game is being developed on its own engine, the Rockstar Games, RAGE;
- On the engine was done major work that gave, in particular, several times to increase the distance of drawing objects.


According to Rockstar, the mechanics of shooting, driving and melee combat has been reworked from scratch;
- Rockstar plans to expand outof-classes, adding a variety of side missions and more sophisticated minigames in the spirit of poker from Red Dead Redemption;
- Like missions, firefighter, medic and police, but in a way that is suitable to the personalities of the characters;
- Confirmed entertainment: yoga, triathlon, tennis, water skiing, base jumping, scuba diving, and also Golf;
- Michael, Trevor and Franklin – fully realistic characters with their own set of skills, GTA V will be no customization in RPG-style, which is so like many in San Andreas;
- However, it will be possible to change the clothes of the heroes;
- The system of Dating will not return, Rockstar considers it incompatible with the new type of heroes;
- GTA V will not be able to purchase a property, but by the end of the game, the gamers are not swamped in the money nowhere to spend, Rockstar plans to fix it, reworking the economy;
The mobile phone is improved with the new model you can get online;
- Among the ordinary passers-by appear, the nature and meaning of action;
- There will be a lot more random events, and they will become much more diverse;
- There will be dynamic missions like Red Dead Redemption. Examples: hitchhikers, broken down cars, assaulting armored vans, the pursuit of the robbers or a bunch of corpses in the middle of the desert.


To the player it was more fun to explore the vast territory, the fleet will be more than any other game series;
- Confirmed aerial vehicles: helicopters, seaplanes, agricultural aviation, private jets and military aircraft;
- Confirmed cars: BMX, mountain, road, motocross-bikes, a huge number of cars, trucks, planes, ATVs and jet skis. Will definitely be following cars: Cheetah, Sentinel XS, Bodhi, 9F (Audi R8 copy);
- There will be a convertible with a retractable roof;
- Trevor as a war veteran to fly, it is sufficient to find the plane. And Franklin is a beautiful rider;
- Cars and items can be fire, water gasoline. Including the distance, making a trail of gasoline;
- Machines will be "better hold on to the ground." Behind the wheel the player will feel like in a racing game;
In a truck you can ride passenger.


Music will sound during tense moments of the game, as in Max Payne 3;
Michael's voice actor Ned Luke.


- Will be;
- The battle command will be, and for being in a team with a friend you both will receive bonuses;
- The cooperative will not be in a single pass, it will be transferred to multiplayer.

ps: copy paste, not my article.
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FucQ 26.01.20

Police car in the 1st trailer of GTA IV. Probably not the current version, as it was during the development of San Andreas (taxi from Vice city).

Le0_o 26.01.20

added to header

N-sky 26.01.20

So he's in the game:


Le0_o 26.01.20

The model is still in the first trailer was a little different - purely from GTA 4. On your screenshots the machine has a different bumper and different shape of the headlights and the whole front.

RockFeller 26.01.20

Laser designator is not in the release version...

FX-Baikal 26.01.20

It should be noted that the game will be delivered on the PC

FucQ 26.01.20


It is a completely different kapowski. Even in your screenshot, you can see the backside of this machine, compare it with GTA 4.

Grand Theft Aero 26.01.20

Skimmer was in beta.
Michael, judging by the trailer, the beta was Audi R8.
Have aztecazo in the first mission for Trevor was other clothes.
Retro pikaba had a face similar to ZIL.
In the beta of Meriwether went to the army Mesa, and jump on the plane, too, was in the army months. In the release, they go to special places that remind UAZ.
Judging by the second trailer, during the dialogue about corruption, with Dave and Heinz(when the heroes head to close), the agents were to the left(output side), and the characters on the right. In the release, we come in when the agents already in place, why the characters are doing the gesture in a slightly different place.
Jeep Trevor was gray in the beta(the first trailer, the moment under the overpass).
Cut out the part where the hero(apparently Trevor) pollinating work.

FERRUMM 26.01.20

A Molotov cocktail cut out, was in the second trailer with Trevor. Or am I so stupid that even the store didn't check it, correct if that.

Le0_o 26.01.20

No, not carved, found at the dump today.

Sovsem poehavshiy 26.01.20

Yes, I, too, accidentally found in the garbage)

FERRUMM 26.01.20


Then I'm sorry, the post may be removed.

nagibatel vilok 26.01.20

Nobody knows whether the game nightclub Bahama Mamas from TBOGT, and if so, where is it located?

Le0_o 26.01.20

Is. Is somewhere in the area of Winwood hills.

nagibatel vilok 26.01.20

And it can go in the interior?

FuskYou_SNElios 26.01.20

Hell, right now vspomnil that in the first trailer flashed Pucky from the 4th, but think about what he is not and just a coincidence that right now, and just realized that he actually was then

Kramer 26.01.20

No. Only to crash with a friend to get drunk, ie stupidly put the camera on a inscription will take time and a bit will fly by.

Xaker 23 26.01.20

Cut out the part where the hero(apparently Trevor) pollinating work.
What trailer did you get?

FucQ 26.01.20

Xaker 23

With the first one.

nagibatel vilok 26.01.20

Xaker 23
From the first trailer,this is the moment