Dmitriy Mirskoy
26.01.20 04:18 pm
Bug with adrenaline (The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt)
Not working skill the River of wrath, more precisely it works, then no. You receive 3 points of adrenaline, a full scale energy use the sign of the adrenaline and energy are zeroed, and the sign becomes weak, the alternative option does not work. I have one that, if so? Already reinstalled the game without mods. Version 1.31 GOTY Comments
Dmitry Worldly
Yes, sometimes baguet and you have not one. Not in the mod business. On the nexus I think I've met fix of this perk but have not tested that it works, because alone perk not enjoyed. I recommend to search.
Dmitriy Mirskoy
On request, flood of anger at the nexus, nothing is. On the official forum cdprojektred a lot of people with this problem, but no solutions there. This is for me but it's weird, a big bug and not fixed for so many years.