Long downloads. (Pillars of Eternity)
So this problem - the more, the longer over game. This is due, as I understand it, with the increase in file Mobileobjective in file save. If it began about the size of 0.5 MB, now it is 7.5. What download 5 seconds between locations and 15 with save increased to a minute and a half, respectively. Faced with this problem, even with the release of the game in the 3 the act was abandoned, because it became impossible to play. Almost a year has passed, and nichrome is not fixed. License steam installed add-ons. There is some unofficial solution? On the patches there was no hope if the year+2 additions, nothing has changed.JIord22222
Confirm the problem, he ran into her. Just nothing here to recommend is impossible, except to install it on a fast drive (7200 rpm) or solid-state.
I remember there was a similar problem on an old hardware, in Skyrim. What is not searched and not found a solution. Helped only a transition to a more powerful configuration than it was.
I have no problem. The goods are the same as in the first so in the second act. Maybe it's the ssd - dunno.
I had a similar problem because of the torrent, I use qBittorrent. Turn off one function and helped
What's the torrent?
Dima Ogorodnikov
So okay disk - the problem is that at first all is well, the boot time increases as the game. IMHO that's the most ridiculous bug I've met in the game saving is cluttered with bullshit which increases the time. Any bug can be circumvented ( as was the fortress of Roderick) and then nothing - the farther, the worse. And judging by the reviews online some save size increases, others do not and there is no any regularity. Was a myth, because of singing songs, but not play them.
The iron pulls the Witcher on ultra - what here is not clear.
Dima Ogorodnikov
You have some axle stands? Not an eight hour? It seems to me that seven would be the rules, because the incompatibility with iron is less likely than with the axis.
if not difficult to compare the size of saves early and late ( after 20 hours) increased the size of the preserve, because I want to finally understand the problem
Despite the fact that in qBittorrent there is a function that uses a cache of Windows for their needs and all my memory goes to support the torrent, respectively, the memory is designed to download games, so many games were downloaded a long time.
You have some axle stands?
Tweet. Even old games go without problems. The second Gothic was launched.
to put a SSD for the game and system
finally the game seems to be running fine even on a laptop if there not busy all the memory all the left stuff.
Tweet. What else can be the causes then? If the power of the computer, again, enough for three of Pierson. For comparison, the Witcher on ultra. I am sure 200% that the reason for the increase in save size. In other words, gets cluttered with all kinds of stuff impermeability, keeping ( opened mobileobjects fail, so there is, for example, a bunch of copies sauriol marked). If in some games the saves krasitsja ( broken for some reason) and do not load at all, then due to the increase in size make for the game.
And the reason with the axis I think the most reasonable, because among those who have problems with the saves no one until it was seven or other Windows, sat on eight. And some bugs are quite rare out of the whole year obsidians never caught the cause of this error. And easy drive or SSD drive - there is no role playing, just on the SSD a bit later the game would be unplayable, because if at the beginning of the game, the download 5 sec and 15, in a normal scenario, this should be always, and do not increase with every minute passed in the game.
I do not know what I had in mind but I removed it along with the save. But you can have it back, and you're on Yandex will flood your saved game
So loading from the main menu - 140 seconds in-game download saves - 63 seconds, creating a new save 20 seconds
Спойлерhttps://yadi.sk/d/ODRXAzCtq4FWR just in case and PM threw
download menu ~45c, with the game ~20, the transition between the lokas ~15c, saving every 5sec. I was sohranki and they are really progressing in size, just weren't looking. went your peppers on one of the starter lock with the obelisk, so there is all the cultists alive xD at the same time I drove Isaac in DS, but I don't think it's much sinker winch in compact mode, plus Windows me stands alone on the other. this problem has been always, or with the advent of BM2? honestly now, I thought when I played just pillars was nimble, but it can be self-hypnosis easily. Tried to ask a question of the incentive? (if you have steam version)
tried people are not aware. Always been first played immediately with the withdrawal, abandoned for the same reason as now. I'll try on Windows 10 to go, still going, but hope something is not too much. But thank you, I tried