Pandora's box problem! Nowhere to be found. (Vampyr)
In my backpack, there are items for jobs, many of them of the objects themselves and how flipping do not understand? Press 8 nichrome not flipping to the right, same thing if you click 0. Okay, to hell with it right? BUT I CAN NOT GET THE QUEST DON'T READ THE LETTER LORD.The idea of the letter on the second page, because Cho all the current letters I have read, everyone chattered on the first page. And these keys still cannot be assigned to the interface, do not know what to do. Because if you do not read the fucking letter, you will not see Hoosier and they will drop a key to the safe.
About the Maypole) On the wall above the Desk near the safe hanging note (like there is) it you press F and it automatically reads the entire screen, and not in the bag at once.
here about квест about paging, not you one suffer from this...
So myConclusion is, if you compare the images, the note is on the same page, i.e., flipping is not necessary.
Thank you. Not helped of course, the note is still there or in the closet there (I once ran into the theater and searched) or on the first page of the inventory (.
Well try to play the game on somehow
In principle, this is a minor quest, so it will not affect the passage. Just don't get the hint or sword... That's all the differences.