can't oven get
stuck on the top panel,the hint doesn't help,tell us which combination of wires to do
While the idea of the bucket in the opposite direction she was going and there you can jump into the pipe. You had levers down 1 - down 2 - up 3 - down.
the levers properly spaced
panel,upper left perekruchennih
the first bucket is on the opposite ( go time),and then into the fire
How can we not make it? Stop. Bucket fact have 2 turns to do in one direction.
The fact of the problem is that the bucket needs to go 2 times in a clockwise direction, and by your descriptions, he makes the first revolution clockwise, and the second against.
no,2 turns clockwise,but the first revolution is fine,but the second skybet me in the fire,and then goes
such help where it is necessary to exchange the dog for the umbrella it is necessary that one container with a magnet picked up the magnet and switch so the magnet is omitted is not present.
You're hands transported to the opposite side in the magnet switch? When you take the magnet safely do everything.
To engage it turn on even if the arrows do not move, but if the arrows are on the ground, the magnet will fall, but to draw will not.
Yes, I say the magnet a few metres lead. as the hands change the magnet under the garbage to appear shows that the included magnet and all magnet then hangs and nothing
If you have passed the place where you have to play the game
type of TIC TAC toe (nuts and bolts;-)
kick off your record after a win please
The game is great but this place!!!!!!!