Neron Clavdius
20.09.19 10:09 am
Russification Sunless Skies (Sunless Skies)
At the moment, translated:— The names of Ports and places in the world.
Messages Of The Crew.
And trading Operations (Transactions and Opportunities in Baseerah).
Map and legend for her.
— All of the UI and main menu.
Button interaction ( "Explore", "Search", "Dock", etc.).
About 35-40% of the main content.
Note: somewhere in here you should see the pictures of the test version when our 'main technical spec' get back from vacation and send them to me (partly this is the reason for the delay).
This will happen by the end of August — beginning of September.
BB what are the reasons for the delay?
I do not believe that the technical side of the issue can be harder, in fact, transfer. No, the translation itself is quite cheerfully and part of our team that's doing this, has no difficulty.
Another thing is the technical side. Caution, possible boring explanations! In General, we are attracted to this question of three people (I remind you that over the Sea worked only one), quite competent in their field (including, by the way, 'special' with the Sea). Later, we even contacted the developers themselves decided to resolve the situation together. They provided us with... shall we say... all possible at the moment help.
Szanowna technical part
As you most likely don't know (and suddenly!), Sea for its texts were used only two fonts: Droid Serif Pro and Trajan, both in different variations (italic, bold, etc). Furthermore, the very core of the construction of texts has been created inside the studios and it was quite malleable for localization into other languages (I give the words Lenferd-a 'special' Sea).
However, Heaven turned out to be far tougher nut to crack than we thought. Not only that, they used 8 different fonts, so they act completely different, so with every necessary for a long time to sweat. At the moment, we overcame all of the fonts (to whom interesting, it is Baskerville, Vollkorn, Constancia, Garamond, Raleway, Montserrat, and Bitter), but one the primary (this Lusitana).
The fact that the core (Candlelight) for the latest font wrote a third-party Studio. Likely that the Latin alphabet, this thing is wonderful, but when it comes to support for Cyrillic and Unicode work — it sucks. Even developers didn't know about this problem until we pointed them at her. Therefore, they need time (nobody knows how many) to understand the issue and correct this core. And without Unicode support, we do not see solutions. Or rather they are, but they all, to put it mildly, so-so.
The first is to redraw the entire English alphabet Atlas, in Russian, in parallel, after a few feints. Yes, the problem with the translated parts will be solved, will only need to slightly tweak the text, however, in this case, the rest of the text just turns into an incomprehensible set of Russian characters before we get to it. I don't think you'll like it.
The second is simply to wait for Unicode. Independently, we will investigate and do his support until the Second Coming. However, if he appear, we will easily be able to fill.
The third is to hope for the bright head of the community, which can be ideas or just familiar with the Russification or work with fonts familiar.
It would be very nice if you trumpeted this cry so loud, so you can. Of course, if you want the translation appeared as soon as possible. Once the issue is resolved, the translation will appear immediately, you have my word (after all, we are not just delayed, right?)
Write: https://vk.com/starlightstories