Update frequency (The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim)
Guys, tell me, is it possible to remove the lock 60 fps in the game? My monitor is 75Hz, but the game is only 60. Is it possible to fix and raise the fps to 75?saa0891
Me without restrictions is not necessary, on the contrary, it is necessary that a plane was 75 fps)
Vertikalka you disabled if disabled then fuck knows what you have.
Can you profile Monica is 60 Hertz,although no rifle restrictions still should not be.
Kind of garbage. In the file put iPresentInterval to 0 but the plane is not disabled. You do not understand.
In game settings turn off the plane , go to video settings in the OS and turn on vertical sync , there's also a look at the refresh rate of the screen to expose 75Hz .
Friends tell me the Monitor 144Ghz.In this game at this hercovka wild bugs,glitches, etc. to Switch the monitor to 60 Ghz is not an option.....You can think of?
And here on PG and on the nexus there is a mod for these monitors. Removes bugs, giving you full control of 144 - 200 HZ. Somewhere in the news or blogs was a section about this mod. Look for and enjoy.
Found here this mod,but it's only for SE.I have the standard version.....it might fit?
Unlikely. The engines are different, and hence the scripts will be different code.