the lag( someone tell me? (Diablo 2)
put new Windows, installed the game, lag in the crowd of mobs, the quality(br) finally PPC(who faced? help plizzz
so I can be with the spawn of mobs in DF but quickly disappears I tried running as administrator and in compatibility mode for win xp sp2 also defragmentate drive and disable any torrents and Skype, the antivirus eset smart security 9 I added to exclusions from scanning in eset firewall settings allowed sharing on the network. He sit on wi-fi on the laptop lenovo g575 with a 2-nuclear percent on 997мг.
lags are possible when large CPU usage, look in task Manager what you have along with Windows had postanalysis, perhaps some fashionable Updater realties antivirus makes you. turn it off or if that is not possible delete the antivirus completely, and put the other there are many options(if it is not an antivirus, but something nafig you do not need just delete this app and all).
another option, have you run the launcher ikapa is repulsive stuff is fundamentally designed to make the lag(and lag is not constant, and intervals - supposedly without the pale). turn it off when playing and that's it(for the game on NG it is not necessary, although I like to play StarCraft and доту1 it also cut off when played, and immediately after the start of the game).
in General solved the problem when doing a video test, where you can choose 2d-3d, when 2d no lag but starts to twitch the mouse when you select the 3d all the rules but the lag when a bunch of mobs, I went through the forum found a solution, downloaded a file glide3x.dll - it is probably the settings screen, now when doing a video test choose glide everything works fine, no need to clean, turn off AntiVir, etc.
MB someone can help. Good luck to everyone