Longinus: lit if the character in FC2? (Far Cry 4)
Something he person's face is reminiscent of prosper Kouassi...There is a version that prosper and Longinus from Far Cry 4 is one person. This is supported by the resemblance and the possible connection of the story of Longinus the baptism of the Father of Malia in the waters of the Waterfall complex, possibly incomplete, murder Kouassi ibid. Against the same date of birth Longinus, namely the year 1951. Thus, by the time of the events of Far Cry 2, Kouassi was supposed to be for more than fifty years, but his appearance and the fact of life under local conditions of sanitation refute at least one of these statements. This is from the wiki on FC2
But this same character can be killed in GG, so 50/50
There is no official information. Everyone decides for himself. Here are the links: http://ru.farcry.wikia.com/wiki/Лонгин, http://ru.farcry.wikia.com/wiki/Проспер_Куасси
Thank you all.
Now I will wrestle with the topic - with a fright, here was pereputali Malia?