To recover your account SC (Grand Theft Auto 5)
You do not receive a email password reset mail,spam checked and there is no letter,is there any other options to restore account?RTYWD
So make a new account for support incidents. Write: was this account registered on this email, etc., the more details they write, the more surely will help )
You have advised to create a new account to write to a support. When testing they will be sent to the desired mail message, after which you can safely recover your account. You may need mail when you register, but it will also send a letter if necessary.
I had similar nonsense with the mail. It was necessary to account in order to change one box to another. A letter arrives, and the link in the email to reset doesn't work.... Suffered a few days...and managed to open only using the Thor OMG... What nonsense! Because I had no external ip.