Random skip story mission, \"Mysterious ways\" (Kingdom Come: Deliverance)
It so happened that I usually run at the first side-quests, and then pay attention to the storyline. In kingdom come, actually, after the prologue, too, the passage was built under the old scheme. Now, with his nose in a book riteria where there are records of criminals, you can completely skip the quest with father Bogotol as achivku. Had to boot, but there was one more unpleasant surprise. During the time of running around on side quests, my Henry did his language, in the end, Boguta told just. For the second time to me too late realized that part of the quest just skipoles due to the high skill of persuasion, so I had then the second passage for this run. Many do not care for achievements, but there are interesting cut scenes, and overall the quest is very good, God knows why developed made it possible to miss such a decent part of the story, but keep in mind, if you want to see the movie and receive achivku - go to quest Mysterious ways or low level, or not use persuasion.Yeah, the same story was... And maybe I would have missed, but when you get to drink and have a debauchery with the priest:)
This is done because the game is freedom of choice in the quests. In the end, you can go through the game and a virgin-a teetotaler who hasn't killed a single person in addition to short people, a sort of Christian reference, though at the same time and lose a decent chunk of content.
It's like-not really, because the choice to go with virgin/sober you're doing consciously, and then, if you do not know, you can miss a great quest, as I turned out, in fact.
It is a tribute to old RPG, for that KCD loved and that it was extinct in the modern RPG. In the end all in life, as in this scene, you never know rape you or give you candy.
why just a Random skip?
I also second skipno it because of the high eloquence
well conceived
and who should be the one on YouTube and watch the cut scenes
Because I have it was an accident, obviously.
Who should - and the whole game on YouTube to watch th one mission-to stop.
well, I mean, you wanted to warn beginners not to repeat your mistakes?
so you need to Malakhov on the second channel or first in the news ask)))
actually 90% of the players so will not be able to convince a priest, because spidernet on the main quest and not shake anything
so don't worry
they will watch the cut scene with buhalovo and sisk
Nuclear_Prince wrote:
Who should - and the whole game on YouTube to watch th one mission-to stop.
sarcasm?))) clear
Pepin3d wrote:
they will watch the cut scene with buhalovo and sisk
Oh, well, just relieved now :D Soul, you know, hurts when I think that someone miss such a scene)
anyway, yeah, just wanted to warn
My last time skip this mission at all unexpected happened. Specifically wanted to go with Bogatoi the winds. So, just in case, at first the market did not Balk at the eloquence. Well, sort of agreed to meet in the evening for a pint. Rode in other cases. In the evening around 19:00ти with gallop inhibit the Roach in the alley between the tavern and the Church, but Maleh blazenko to the village square. And I was wondering - will interfere with your horse's face during cutscenes. Shame(((. And already tears and broke again to get to perepuskajutsja. Loving, Konika pop a few times on the ass, that he ran off...Then Boguta, still exercising with the stick squealed in a voice Wild handling other people's animals" and in a panic were blown up faster than any Yendi outside the village and the banner Mission failed...Laughing so as long as the first passage of Mysterious ways)))