Centering arrows or bolts (The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim)
Hi all,I want to center the crossbow in Skyrim that he shot directly to where the crosshair points to raise or lower the contact bolt has a team f1PBoltTiltUpAngle but I'm no where in the Internet did not find the team which centers the contact with the left and right who knows can tell you have that option or can it at least be correct in the game files?I would really appreciate your help!3 Comments
Other classes are already tired and uninteresting,lowered all the brightness,took up a crossbow and slightly tweaked the technical part of the game mods,the style of play became more interesting and enjoyable
Check the alignment of the sight on the screen , it needs to be exactly in the middle , vertically and horizontally . If the sight is offset for some reason ( mods , open window in the OS, etc.) , the arrow will still fly exactly along the Central vertical axis of the screen , but not off to the sides .