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upiterstereo 04.02.20 12:38 pm

Will the game? (Far Cry 5)

Graphics card:AMD R7 260X 1GB
AMD Phenom ii x4 b40 processor
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rishka 04.02.20

Intel core i5-4690k radeon 7870 10Gb of RAM will at least at the minimum salary??????

stproton 04.02.20

What's the resolution Monica?

rishka 04.02.20

23 inches

stproton 04.02.20

At the diagonal, not the resolution) Without it I find it easier to throw the dice than to say go or not.

rishka 04.02.20

Understood,sorry:)resolution 1920 x 1080

insel260 04.02.20

CPU is weak,
10 GB of RAM - so not in 2 channel mode, and this reduces the speed of the RAM, so that's a minus.
7870 if I'm not mistaken 2 GB, GDDR 3 plus...
In General, a high resolution of 800x600 and the minimal salary, and then maybe 10-15 fps will be released.
But will it be comfortable for you to play with this graphics and this performance?

fog666666 04.02.20

risca not listen to anyone, everything is fine will work in full hd on medium

rishka 04.02.20

The advice so you imagine

stproton 04.02.20

If you don't screw up the shadows and the grass above min-Ms., and shejku and all sorts of buns type HBAO not include, all pull on the average in the area of ~40-50 fps. Don't worry about it.

In addition, you can demolish the old wood for vidyahi with DDU, and then to roll the latest version.

.Chiken 04.02.20

Lolshto? On my second PC (config in a profile), which is worse in some respects than riska, the fourth part high with dead shadows and not the top shading is fine 40-60 FPS in FHD, with a frightened fifth the
insel260 wrote:
a resolution of 800x600 and most of the minimal salary, and then maybe 10-15 fps will be released.
? xD

rishka 04.02.20

Thank you very much for a specific and clear answer!?

insel260 04.02.20

I warned, then don't complain on the forums, from what the game does not give and 30 fps on minimal...

insel260 04.02.20

Well, Yes, because these games are so similar in the graphic component, the size of the world, a variety of objects, detail... Direct one to one. And mill too, and shaders are the same, Oh well...

Now poslushalas advisers, and then elbows will bite, wasted about 2+ thousand for that, even plainly, and not talking.

And that you would not take offense, I justify my answer to you:
1. The game's not out yet, so about optimization, you have no idea.
2. Those who were given early access to the game and who have posted their videos on YouTube, I'm sure they iron not 2010. And there is no lag.
3. Think of all the games coming out from yubikov, over the last 5-7 years. Before the first patch, all games lag.
4. And now we turn our attention to the system requirements for the games yubisoft. Once in the last 5 years, they coincide with reality? At jubilee, always, there is a slight overestimation, although in the recommended / minimum written by others.

Okay, I will agree, a little mistake with the technical part of iron, thought to vidyuhi Shader 3.0, but still. RAM in 2 channel mode and all the rest of the iron is weak. Higher minimum wages, well, not to put up without dips in fps.
If only to wait for patch 3+ and improved that by the way, is available for each game jubilee.

On your cons I don't really care, but here's a little listen, you would not hurt.

P. S. Oh, and, uh... met on the forums, such topics, as:and On with the review:
I have a Syndicate going on high and the AC:On and the minimum salary is not drawn..., syndicate ultra, and AC:On lag outrageously, although little system same help... and so on so forth.
I bet you we'll see exactly the same message for Far Cry 5.

lyaga11 04.02.20

nothing strange osobennogo in the chart there

lyaga11 04.02.20

have me on the computer as riska Horizon does not lag at all :) although the monitor is 22 inches :)

stproton 04.02.20

Without exaggeration, in recent years, the jubilee kept the bar at the level of the most refined grafodrocher among the competitors. That's just many are not able to appreciate it, despite the passage of downscaling on YouTube with soap and water, and pull the top bucket with the current price tag on the card can only units. ВД2 and Wildlands, ihmo, while some of the most advanced in terms of image.

And the subject, as I understand it, a bit clipped in terms of graphics in favor of the past generation, because the situation on the market for a new graphics card now the seams.

a1r1t1u1r1 04.02.20

If you have a full hd screen it's unlikely she will go to high with 2GB of video memory)) on the hd and possibly the fact))

deleted user azaza 04.02.20

In the end will go to 2 cor square the idea at all, at least in 25фпс, but still (like the ps3 gta 5 was 25fps and all ssaliсь boiling water and purchased for this stand)

Bonus61rus 04.02.20

NVIDIA GeForce 2GB 940MX
i5-6200U 2.4 Hz
16 GB of RAM

Question: pull??? If Yes then on what settings?

Drags....1920*1080 - centre

deleted user azaza 04.02.20

The idea is no problem to play, judging by this video.