Impressions of the game (Ancestors Legacy)
Share their impressions from the beta.To me the game as a whole like!
- the General historicity in the appearance of the units and their weapons;
- graphics (for a RTS, it looks really not bad)
- attention to detail. Change the appearance of units, after the next upgrade armor, very interesting look of the settlement, citizens begin to run in panic when it seized))) you can always find a quarry or a place zagotovki forests, etc.;
microcontrol units implemented conveniently and logically, a lot of different formations and racks;
great animation units during the battle, at times can be highly distracted from the main process)
optimization. During the beta, there was only one crash;
- excellent music.
- a small amount of special units;
- a small difference, but also for the nation. That is not enough special buildings or .....I have not yet figured out)))
- the intimacy of the locations (maps). Sometimes there is no place for rotations and rebuild.
However, if to all this, add a good single, for me this game is still the best contender for the title of RTS of the Year.
After playing the beta, I was very pleasantly surprised. Game vpravdu very beautiful for an rts, dynamic, with excellent sound design. I hope that in full version they will add a couple more units and variations in their pumping. To me, this game reminded of the beautiful creations of Voronezh Studio World Forge: ancient Wars: Sparta and Golden Horde. I recommend this creation to all fans of this genre!
What kind of nonsense
Units are unable to overcome the steep slopes of the hills (neither bottom-up nor top-down)
So, the whole game is basically the arrangement of archers on key hills )) to mow a hail of arrows all at the bottom
In the meantime, those archers milesnick dobegut/running сто500 miles take the long way around the hill that, they are already 100 times I guess
And if milesnick still (miraculously somehow) have doskonali to those archers, the archers they are simply doing sneaker to your base )) (with minimal losses of their on the road))
I'm here for a few days nalazila to such an extent (already 10th level I )) that is ready to write a detailed thesis-impression - news from pre-field ))
(all that is written above - from my current point of view, nonsense))
So. What is the game at the moment (the current beta).
Swing, you know, good - very good mobile RTS, where (for example) one group of units (for example, the German spearmen) might be the skill of the enemy forces in place, and then the second group (horses, or crossbowmen) demolition/castanengo shot of the enemy. Skills, perks, buildings, abilities, etc..
This swing )
In reality, at the moment, the game is meat )) is good, meat is very addictive. The game reminded me of the good old WarCraft II. Well, remember - we build town hall, build peasants (farm resources), first go to Furmanov, then go to the (more powerful) ogres/horses plus archers. Then come the catapult. In the end, attack mages, etc..
All the difference the current release is that there are no magicians there, and going to have 1 (and only 1) pre-selected type of units. Make a big army consisting only of him. In any case not to waste resources on something else, left-to-right (with the exception of the debut of the rollers of the base units) - otherwise, the military economy will be weaker than others and will prosion ))
I have to say - overall, now:
1. Mainly Cox shchitnik
2. Spearmen, weaker (with the exception of those cool German lancers who can stanici enemy)
3. The horse, now it is almost complete nonsense (except that the rebound in fall battle if Tim is already confident of winning in the rink)
Slavs. Here everything is simple. Stupidly go in (starter unit) shchitnik - build 2 units (up to the first village they can run their bystrozakalennykh skill), then 1 PCs (total 3 PCs; the latter may catch colleagues bystrozakalennykh skill), then we go home and continue to build those defenders swing their correct sequence of the level-up perks. If you do not have enough food to build the altar and pray strictly to Mokosh (buff to hapciu) - this prayer, it is for the resource tree. The armor units in themselves do not swing to the full flow of the armor in the gear. To jump one big mob, send back to come from the flanks or in the back of the enemy. If the enemies shoot arrows, then usnot skill to raise shields (and arrows will not care). When units are Levernois, to specialize them in armor or attack power, like more in this game situation. To travel long distances, will help the same bystrozakalennykh skill. If necessary, the gear pump advantage on the economy (bonus to gain resources). Next to rock armor (for the metal) in the units. Fall in battle, pray to Perun for power attack/Def units. In principle, all. )
Cool idea in the form of horse archers. If the enemy is built, it can considerably shook their nerves (for free pokotsat your units). Unfortunately, while no more than shake his nerves - when the start of large batches, the unit becomes practically ineffective (ratio of cost to it as well).
Spearmen and archers of the Slavs, as well as mounted spearmen - not the rule. And mounted spearmen, and in addition weaker than a similar German.
Vikings. Build 2 units of pikemen (up to the first village they can run their bystrozakalennykh skill), then build a house (tent, in the language of the Vikings)) and build 1 unit of spearmen (total of 3 pieces; the latter may catch colleagues bystrozakalennykh skill), then grab them as successful villages, parallel download 3rd tech level (this would take a while; begin to waste their past captured the village - not terrible, so it is necessary), cease to treat the lancers and merge them (freeing the house), build a lot of defenders (which is a cool skill on the mill; this would take a while; we continue to waste their past captured the village - not terrible, so it is necessary)), building pieces 5 helmet this group in the fight (they at this point rollers, any tear)), we continue to build defenders (and home-awnings under them) and download them the correct sequence of the level-up perks. To faster running - you can build the altar and pray (for the tree) on the Torah (the buff to the speed of units) - if you have a surplus of the resource tree )). The armor units in themselves do not swing to the full flow of the armor in the gear. To jump one big mob, send back to come from the flanks or in the back of the enemy. If the enemies shoot arrows, then usnot skill to raise shields (and arrows will not care). When units are Levernois, specializing in their attack power (and armor, they are so cool). To travel long distances, will help Thor and native speed defenders of the Vikings. Fall in battle, pray to Odin for the strength of the attack/Def of units. In principle, all. )
Berserkers. Don't know what made this unit so miserable. Yeah, well he breaks through the enemy defenders. He has a skill for frenzy and the second skill on axe throws early in the fight. And all would be well, Yes only this unit has a limitation that you can not retreat during the battle. And retreat, in this game it is our everything )) - that go berserk in the battle of new Brahimi crowds, and to build more Berserkers is a huge damage to the economy. Unit a floor shorter.
Lucari, horsemen - the Vikings, not rule at all.
The Germans. Build 2 units of jibs (and captured their first village), then another 1 piece (total 3 pieces), grab them as successful villages (clevery a good break through the shields of the Slavs, and if the enemy is strong, then the skill of these jibs frighten-run the enemy), parallel swing 2nd level technologies, stop treating jibs, and merge them (freeing the house), build a lot of spears and swing their correct sequence of the level-up perks. You can build the altar and pray for the Prosperity (bonus resource flows) - this prayer requires all 3 resources. To jump one big mob, just cast the camp, send back to come from the flanks or in the back of the enemy (especially good and pleasant to stanici enemy's Lucara and svingerov)) - unfortunately, these spearmen are weak against the very lukara (so a balance). When units are Levernois, specializing in their armor (tit's milesnick without shields, and Def they will be good). In gear perk for a"speed is not rock (it is more efficient to invest resources into something else) until the very end rollers - the Germans run slowly, well, let it run (although if the enemy has a lot of Lucara, you can swing this fast to cover their camp from these spearmen). Then, rock armor (for metalll) in the units. Fall in battle, pray to a War for power attack/Def units. In principle, all. )
Keypoints the Germans, apparently put forward their horses. They can be cool to swing, and sometimes they can enjoy a cool enemy's Lucara. Unfortunately, these horses generally uneconomical - if you want to relish the blow, vlasovite resources in these horses ))
The Germans had done and interesting 2 long range of the unit - lucari and crossbowmen. The subtle differences between them boil down to the fact that arbuticci abruptly (and expensive) but neither the one nor the one unit rule (and to walk to them, you have a lot of resources to invest in all sorts of left technology).
Overall, Germans are significantly weaker than the Slavs and the Vikings - for lack of defenders as a class, because of its madinaty construction and movement, because of useless horses. The first part of the game you can still haul the jibs and then spearmen, but (if the balance of power in the rink equally) that in the end the Germans will find Achtung )) - run across the field raskrytye shchitnik Slavs and Vikings, as well as raskrytye archers of the British - it all blows, and the German lancers, and the horses of theirs - just once (
AngloSaxon. The weakest at the moment race. The debut of the very nerdy and complicated (and would it ever continued after that debut?)). The British in the debut of need someone to help (and possibly British friend at the time)). Maps 1-on-1 and 2-on-2, they better not play.
It is best to do so - start unit svingerov send to the nearest village at random (grab it / grab) parallel to reinvent longbows, begin to build lukara (and then a home identity under them), merge, the start-up unit svingerov (if he's not dead)), to begin attacks by Lucarelli in the spirit of hit and run (remember - if you're running at night, always include torches)), to build lukara on (Oh, and all this for a long time...), to continue attacks. Be sure to build an altar and pray for Prosperity for the sake of a quick inflow of resources (again, this is long...) - this prayer requires all 3 resources. Swing in gear perk rate, then damage (in parallel, for a tree swing in gear perk on the health of Lucara) in parallel to make new forays, passing smoothly already in the full grips of the villages. If the enemy ran up on the front edge of Lucera - scary, make him retreat, and back lucari continue to mow down the enemy - and so on. When units are Levernois, they definitely specialize in attack power. As a result, lucari turn already (if the rink is not yet lost)) in deadly machine mowing down everything on the way except a skilled player, the enemy lifted on time from their defenders shields ))) - well, if such exists, it can be drained and siemi SuperCool sukarami )). In the end, rock armor (for metalll) in the units. In fall battle, to pray for good Luck for attack power/Def units. In principle, all. )
The British made a number of interesting units (while interesting at first glance)).
Shchitnik very cool, though - but that's just the trouble to walk" to them, you have a lot of resources to invest in all sorts of left technology - especially furious that for the second their skill, have a altar (and he, in turn, requires the pumping azhno 3-level technology)) - well, the first skill, they are unremarkable.
Axemen. Powerful, powerful. Unfortunately, very expensive, and to get up to them, must very well, a lot of resources to invest in all sorts of left technology (usually economically so slowly that the final squad has not physically make it to the rink). Skills notable Axemen these do not possess. Accursed English pumped lucari deadly for them (. Unit cool, but... does not drag in the rink, though his head on the wall
Horses, the British do not have - and do not
All races - when units are Levernois - you can also specialize them in the run - but this is bad, because then levelnote units and their deliverynote colleagues, run at different speeds. ((
In the end, it is now possible to play normally Slavs and Vikings. The Germans and the British is, unfortunately, mostly for fun... with skill, they can drag very, very good
Yeah, forgot to mention - all races, there are still units Ballista (mow infantry) and Catapult (bombed buildings). Both unit - terribly brakes, and on the battlefield do not survive in any way at all ). Well, except that the Ballista can be pinned over the enemy put a lot of troops at one point ) - but to cover them maneuvering the enemy, generally nereal. Also, killing an enemy unit Ballista - the ballista falls to the ground, and it can pick up your unit (turning it from an expensive pumped unit in this guano-unit Ballista))
I hope the game will continue to balance ))
Uh, it seems for now ) going to play next ))
UPD2Изюминка game is a trap (which you can build any of their combat unit)
Their 2 types - cheap just a hole (slows the enemy), and a (slightly more expensive) pit with stakes which can kill enemy troops in contact with her in the trap
Traps are good to defend their captured village when playing 6-on-6 (to be able to put them there)
The cheapest on the resources of the traps from the Anglo-Saxon (although, in other races they are also not mega expensive). Yes, and long range units of the British, too combats very well. One experienced player even calls to go stupid svingerov + traps - well, I couldn't agree more. Traps you can build a total of 9 pieces (although, you can break the old are left behind the front line), and a race of English is IMO not pulls on the level of other races (like not pulling it even co-op 2 English in one time, and even if all 3 comrade in Tim playing hard consistently-co-op)
Any horses, do not know how to detecting traps (and good weaken them further rebound to something else - and often even stupidly die for their stakes)), and traps (properly placed) it thanks. And so rather weak horses in this game (even German) when traps become more no - and therefore not particularly relevant for their haters - spear. Well like himself again confirm Cox shields ))
Actually playing the map 6-on-6 non-use of traps is noobism (as in my previous video)). Although there are times that the debut is still not worth it to throw resources at the construction of these traps, but it's worth throwing them in Kutch to be quick.
For the fourth hour! For me personally, the game caught) Optimization is excellent, and of course tempted by the atmosphere at the time)
Was a breeze the first campaign for the Vikings, liked it, although the strategy is not my genre, the only thing that kind of hate is the fire of archers in their
Did not like
- no graphics (misery, especially evident during the second mission in the cut scene)
- no plot (the whole epic is lost after the second mission)
- no gameplay (boring wild)
the first and second atmospheric mission
3 out of 10
Poles, Slavs, dislike or what. For this nation to play is not possible. My 5 units and the cavalry were unable to drain the Viking squad-setevikov, archers generally clueless.
The Viking siloviki is the most powerful warrior, especially racked! The Slavs base siloviki only for capture points and good archers other drive. But kopeisky the Slavs is not even bad, especially if using a throw javelins before they attack you. Archers are average, but need to press a Watchful eye, then they will not only see further, but you get less damage, although the perk description does not mention it.
Yesterday was the last available campaign and:
+ the title theme in the menu (perhaps the biggest plus of the game)
+ cute graphics
+ interesting idea with the camera when you zoom in, most of the screens
- very repetitive and boring, each mission is almost (деревню1 grab + grab деревню2) + collect resources + ally.
- population limit to 10 units
- the inability to give individual orders to squads (if 2+ of the squad joined the battle, none of them send to another place, only to use a retreat)
- the inability to specify where to put the structure (or maybe I'm not used to this type of strategies)
PS At the beginning of each mission, disbanded the troops and the hired archers, upgrade and ....stuffed with meat.
Was thinking another slag, but the game is even nothing. Very entertaining fights, if I can get the camera to focus Ala Total war, excellent optimization, good atmosphere of the game. Among the shortcomings can be identified: low variety in units and buildings (although about buildings is debatable), uninteresting and not quite historical fiction, not enough troops (if you could hire, say 20 units, the game would be spectacular. Yes it is more difficult micro in the game, but it would be more interesting) and fast enough mini company, you'd better have a pair of large.
Overall, I liked it.