Game mechanics (BattleTech)
Transfers on the game mechanics of BattleTechGyro(Gyros).
Gyro (Gyros) increases flexibility, which gives a Bonus to Protection from hits, + 1, +2 and +3 Hit Defense.(This is in addition to the difficulty of hitting you, minus ten percent)
Increases Accuracy in melee: + 1, +2 and +3 Melee Hit.
Increases Defense against Attacks on the Stability(Stb.Dmg): 10%, -20% and -30% Stb.Dmg. Taken.
Installs only in the Central Torso, takes 3 slots and it weighs nothing.
Amplifiers for hands (Arm Mod) are installed on the Mech to increase impact damage(Melee Dmg) melee: + 5, +10,+15 Melee Dmg. Or to increase the Strength of Blows Stability(Stb.Dmg.): + 10,+20,+30 Melee Stb.Dmg.
Booster legs (Leg Mod) increases the damage of Leap (DFA): + 5, +10 and +15 Dmg DFA. or umenshaet own Fur damage(Self, Dmg) when you hit the Jump (DFA): -5,- 10 and -15 DFA Self Dmg.
Presizhn strike only works on the first shell in the stack. That is shooting LRM20 presizhn strike only one rocket will aim to where you specified, and the remaining 19 - as shot
I think you're wrong. In game tips says that the chance of hitting is specified for each individual projectile or missile in the volley.
All affect accuracy modifiers can be viewed by hovering over the percentage of hits. The base chance to hit in the game 75%, each level of Gunnery skill adds 2.5% for each item..
At an optimal distance there is no penalty to accuracy. The penalty for far distance +4, for a minimum +8.
The base difficulty of the shot - 0 (this is the place check ones), roll is 1d20. The complexity is increased Evegeny of target, the range for the size of the enemy for Crete weapons and gunnery skill below 10. And decreases with the bonus weapon (for example latory have a -1 difficulty, and of bonuses +accuracy) for the location of weapons in hand, for the situation fur the above purpose, for morality. Oh and the pros/cons of the area.
You start for example with a gunnery of 4, which gives +3 to the difficulty of hitting. For shooting on optimal I think +4 to the difficulty. From surfaces like +4 (from uneven surfaces or radiation). For the chevrons up to +12 difficult to obtain. For the size +1/+2.
Chance to hit each gun in each Loka is calculated separately, with the exception of abilities aimed shot. Depends on whether the shooter is moving and the target, the distance (min/optimal/max range of the gun), position (above-below) and direction (front/side/back) and arrow and aims, flow arrow and the target (protirochnye/shooting/perks), or have no shelter (forest/crystals), can be seen physically some part of fur (water/slope), time of day (day/night), weather(clear/fog/rain/sandstorm) and biome(the prevailing weather/time of day/landscape).
Speed and Evasion
Evasion is good when against 2-3 bots. Otherwise, the sensor lock + a pair of Alphas = no scout Oborotov. If there's demolisher with 2хАС20 waiting in the queue, the scout's corpse. So bulwark preferable because 100 damage in 120-180 armor is better than 2х100 in 40-50.
Personally, I have a team of 4 tactics master bulgarcom. Mechs - crab, battlemaster (changed to crab when his head will hurt) and 2 Highlander (with gift). The package of all АС10 (+in stabiliti)/Gauss, ЛРМ20 (+ in stability and Crete), RRS (+ in stability/damage). In the end, all intelligen go with alpha in the body. Rest 2 volley laid down, 2 to finish. Yes, I arrives a lot of missiles and other crap. But even 8 strands and assaulton on the last mission barely could make out the crab up to 10 armor on several parts. In the end, the last enemy crab lies and waits for alpha to the kettle.
Play it fair (no save/load), I got sick after one random mission where I was for 4 strokes made 3 pilots with headshots. 7 (seven!!!) hits in a row!!! One thing I vymeshivayut 5-6 downloads, with 18% chance.
Evasion is useless on any fur in addition to light. If you have more than 4-5 opponents - they salakot and shot down all evasion until the end of the round, most medium mechs to get at least two kick-ass Dodge to move to the maximum distance and this limits the possibilities of positioning.
Bulwark generally drags out-and the stupidity of the AI mechs in the distance do not keep themselves the rod of the machine guns, but a tank with LRM creates problems.
Play the evasion irrational, as it is hard to earn, it easily slips and does not provide the same permanence as bulwark. Prokachany in dodging pilot to become useless in heavy furs, even with a quick heavy the Dragon is not able to play from evasion. Pumped about pilots - the maximum pumped the pilot appears not so soon, unless you pump it into a single stat, plus the pilots are dying and are in hospitals. Bulwark do not require any special investments, the skill of the lower level, which 100% works (another plus in favor bulwark is the complete inability of the AI to counter it). Dodging just poorly balanced and all the worse tanking in terms of the campaign, because people who want to download pilot in mobile brawler, like me, not very much.
Should not play the evasion or from Bulwark'a, and use these two mechanics in addition to each other in the designated situations. In my LANs, for example, in the middle of a siege and two heavy support has medium long fur, which is well gaining 6 stacks of evasion for the course and at the end of the battle usually gets the least damage.
If the AI has no possibility of sensor loca (i.e., after the death of all light mechs if they were), he never shoots on goal with 6 chevrons, if there are alternatives. This is from personal experience and not from a single battle sample.
The pilot pumped about the 3rd tile of the movement 2 receives the Chevron for a regular movement, depending on range of fur 3-4. When using janjetov (5pcs) - full 6 stacks. So adequate medium mechs designed to flank (not the brakes centurion any) and the maximum possible movement in General each turn for 6 stacks you get.
Everyone has their own play style, of course, but I even do not really understand the anguish of people between the Bulwark and typesetting Dodge. The game is all very natural at it - if you have a heavy (no classification games) fur, carrying a shitload of guns (it usually slow), watching every move where he can escape, you see 3-4 tiles high, and naturally the understanding for what and for whom the desired Bulwark. Conversely, if your mech can jump 7-8 tiles, and it moves at every turn, he will automatically receive the maximum evasion, and thought to stand up to potancevati will not occur.
Here for fully pumped pilot's plate:
The tile movement\Evasion: 1-2\0, 3-4\2, 5\3, 6\4, 7\5, 8\6
Vkachivaya tactics 2 perk and piloting 1 have jumping havike 6 evasion, and even go to phase madcow.
Given that:
LanceDropTonnageBrackets : [
100, 125, 150, 175, 200, 225, 250, 275, 300, 325 ]
where 100T - 1 skull, and 325 - 10 skulls of difficulty, it is better to have 3 mobile havika + 1 assault sniper pumped on shooting and tactics. Moreover, the mobility and the next move allows you to select a role for chivikov the mood and the situation - a mobile sniper or a support, well, or Skirmisher.
Who goes first, the first shoots, hence lives longer) on top of a full stack of evasion by car saves time and money of repairs after the mission that priceless.
The speed of all 55 ton mechs - 150 = 5/6 hexes (points under the diagonal movement of the fur may take 6)
Potentially pumped to the maximum the pilot could save that fur when moving through the terrain without penalty - 3/4 Chevron.
BUT at the same time, the movement of the maximum distance reduces the possibility of rotation, and therefore in many situations will have to choose option 4 hexa, which gives only 2 of Chevron. And that's when moving on the terrain without penalties.
Medium mechs with tonazha below, referred to as centurion, have speed 120 = 4/5 of the hex and then max 3/2 Chevron when driving on flat terrain.
Heavy mechs have a similar range of movement is 150 for Dragons and Quickdraw, 120 for all others.
Dodge as much as 1 Lok + volley or two volleys. If we play against 8 opponents, and half rounds is not enough.
It seems that you simply have not mastered evasion at the proper level. I still use the Panther in the battle among the 75 and 100 ton, and if you want every fight to shoot, to Shine, and not get a single hit! The requirement is very simple, always keep the 5 diamonds evasion and to be on the wing. To gain 5 evasion it just need Jampa jump for max distance or sprint to run if you need to combine cooling and a set of evasion. And on the wing better be in order not to collect the fire of the entire enemy team if more than 5.
One thing 5 Oborotov on a light mech and another 5 Oborotov on hewiki or assault. When summarizing the mouse to the gun there are all related and not really the factors of contact and there is such parameter as the size of the fur! So I think evasion to disclose in light of little fur, and hawikuh and assault, this is just a little collateral but is not a panacea.
Watch the protection status of the fur. It appears iconoclas shield right above his head. Shield painted - fur entrenched and will receive half damage. The unpainted shield - 25% less damage. Enemy mechs automatically digging trenches (-50% damage), if this move can't shoot.
In General, the math is this:
The average mech has about 1800 health (3600 effective health if you want to shoot at the entrenched fur). Calculate how much total damage your mechs and see how many moves your team will be able to kill him. Normal fur on the 50T with the right guns can cause 200-220 damage per turn.
Further, there is a secret to destroy the fur, he needs to blow up either the center or both legs, or head. To destroy specific components can shooting aiming. To get to the head is practically impossible, and on two legs significantly more hit points than in one center. Conclusion - for the most rapid destruction of fur have him aiming to shoot in the center.
How to shoot precisely? Aiming to shoot you can either the ability 25 mana or for free at the motionless fur.
You can click on the enemy right-click and poke on location then to find out what and how to booked and how much structure. Yes, 55t Medak in full armor total may be above one thousand, but for example, DH will be booked up to 180 front and 90 rear still 90 structure. Feet even less.
Balancer missions.
All mechs have some kind of list with the chance of their appearance as adversaries and these chances are enhanced in the process of moving through the story. For example, in the interval between the third and fourth it looks like: a Chance occurrence; locust=10%, thunderbolt=7%, Knight=5%, Victor=1%. After passing the fourth sujecki you again was released but the picture changes a little bit in favor of more heavy machinery: the Chance of occurrence; locust=8%, thunderbolt=10%, Knight=7%, Victor=2%. Thus passing the campaign mode you simply increase the probability that the balancer uses to populate lenshow opponents more serious machine.
However, this is not the main element of the formation complexity. By themselves, these odds do not strongly affect the complexity of tasks as there is a mechanism to change the default chances are triggered if a player does not fulfill the conditions of the complexity of the contract. The main condition of difficulty of any contract is its index in the skulls. As you develop your own squad to drop a player is not prohibited to exceed this figure by capturing the rare but more powerful mech and here arises the main problem. If you put the weight of your own lens in full compliance with the specified contract level, then the load balancer will select the machine with the highest chances of getting, but will try to exclude a large number of lights and to use medium and heavy class in the first place. If you exceed the level of its contract, the balancer opposite to start playing with the allotted space lighter furs and pile up to fine them on the armor. In the end, the farther your lens crosses the line of complexity, the more primitive battle. (This can be used for quick money. Go to the contract terms exceed one-half points, quickly opinium four Spiders with a couple tanks and collect the money.) Conversely, if you do not get the weight to the claimed complexity, the balancer shifts the emphasis on the rarer and heavier machine. The emphasis regulate precisely the class and the difficulty of the opponents, as their number is usually standard and you can't meet more than two full lenshow bellows. (You can use for hunting the rare furs of the current level, if you are sufficiently confident in their abilities, or want to challenge yourself.)
The weight of the bellows in the formation of the squad as I understand it is not tied to their actual tonnage. Most likely it works the scheme is similar to the balancing of enemies and fighters in Some. Each fur is worth a certain number of abstract points of strength. Each gun also worth points. After assembling your mech is the sum of all values of items included in this Assembly (of Course, plus guns also have a greater cost.) On the basis of the total points scored by your lens, the balancer assigns the opponents in the above scheme, and then starts to adjust the small error of giving the enemies the more expensive weapons, adding a couple of tanks or fining of the enemy armor. Thus the balance in the battle to which you depart from full compliance with the terms is obtained adapted to the millimeter to what really will be able to relive your mechs in the right direction.
You also need to understand that if we are talking about some types of missions, part of the equipment on the battlefield is not involved in balancing and is a makeweight. So for example the tanks in convoys do not affect what lens will accompany them and who will come in as reinforcements. Exactly like the turrets in the "Assault the base" are independent objects it is tied to the mission.
I will only add that my problem with the complexity was the fact that I captured a rare moment for the Black Knight and as never looked at the weight unit in the drop, my machines, hung on the ears, constantly going to the contracts with margin, with the result that met in battle okatannyh family Guy and a handful of lights. In rare cases, the fights were interesting, but only because I pumped the reputation with the homes and contracts of higher complexity had begun to eat the gap.
there are some variations in different types of missions, but the basic principle is the same.Just when you go through the story, the complexity of tasks increases on all planets.
I went on the same mission the same spear and changed just the drivers. They are also involved in the formation weight spears. It's worth considering.
To eliminate the said fur is usually very strong in the Javelin. Don't let him escape, when he reached the Landing Zone of his Dopship. Sometimes individual units of the enemy, consisting of one or two mechs or tanks. Can come up Reinforcements from one of the Spear.
Can be Evacuated through the Dropship Landing Zone, after unichtojeniya goal of the task without destroying all the enemy forces.
•Skulls 0.5 - 1 light mech + 3 light tanks + 1 med mech
•Skulls 0.5 - 2 light mechs + 2 light tanks + 1 med mech
•Skulls 0.5 - 3 light mechs + 1 med mech
•1.5 assasinate 3 light mechs + 2 light tanks +1 med mech
•2 skulls - 2 light mechs + 1 med mech + 1 mech heavy + 1 light tank + 1 med tank
•2.5 skulls - 1 light mech + 3 heavy mechs
•3.5 skulls - 1 light mech + 1 mech assault (evac'd)
•3.5 skulls - 4 heavy mechs + 1 light mech + 1 mech assault
•3.5 skulls - 5 med mechs + mech 1 light + 1 heavy mech + 2 heavy tanks
•4.5 skulls - 3 assault mechs + 4 heavy mechs + mech 1 light, + 2 assault tanks
•4.5 skulls - 4 assault mechs + 3 heavy mechs + mech 1 light, + 2 assault tanks
Attack Convoy(convoy Attack).
Attack a convoy of armored vehicles, before they get to the Evacuation. To complete the task given only 10 rounds. Security is usually one Lance of Mechs and tanks\MLRS.
•2-one - 3 med mechs + 4 med tanks (apcs)
In battle uchastvuyut usually one Lance of Mechs and come reinforcements in the form of Mechs and armored vehicles. So in battle can meet up to 8 opponents.
•Skulls 0.5 - 2 light tanks + 2 med tanks
•Skulls 0.5 - 1 light mech + 1 med tank + 2 light tanks
•Skulls 0.5 - 2 light mechs
•2-one - 4 heavy tanks + 4 med mechs
•2.5 skulls - 2 med mechs + 2 heavy mechs (no reinforcements)
•3 skulls - 1 assault mech + 1 light mech
•4 skulls - 2 assault mechs + 2 heavy mechs + tanks 2 heavy + 2 assault tanks
Capture The Base(Capture The Base).
You want to capture the enemy Base, which protects Odio Lance of Mechs and turrets. To capture the Base should get your mech on a specified point on the Base.
•Skulls 0.5 - 3 light mechs
•1.5 skulls - 4 turrets + 3 med mechs
•1.5 skulls - 8 light mechs
•3 skulls - 3 med mechs + 3 heavy mechs + 1 assault tank
Defend The Base(Base Defense).
To protect the employer from one of the enemy Lances Mechs and coming up a little later, he to the aid of Reinforcements, in the form of another Spear. Can be allied turrets and armor that will help you in battle.
•Skulls 0.5 - 4 light mechs
•1 skulls - 5 light mechs + 1 light tank
•1.5 skulls - 9 light mechs + 2 med tanks
•2 skulls - 2 med mechs + 6 light mechs + 2, heavy tanks + 1 tank med + 1 light tank
Destroy Base(Destroy The Base).
You want to destroy structures of the enemy, which protect the 4 turrets and Lance of Mechs and armored vehicles.
•Skulls 0.5 - 1 light mech + 1 med tank + 2 medium tank
•Skulls 0.5 - 3 med tanks + 1 light tank
•Skulls 0.5 - 2 med tanks + 2 light tanks
•2.5 skulls - 1 med mech + 2 heavy mechs + turrets
•3 skulls - 3 heavy mechs
Will extend to the point of Meeting with the specified object tracking and preventing its destruction, to escort him to the extraction point the Dropship. You will face Lance of Mechs with armor, and maybe another Lance arrived late Reinforcements.
•1.5 skulls - 3 light mechs + 1 light tank + 3 med mechs
•1.5 skulls - 4 light mechs + 2 med tanks + 2 med mechs
Get to the specified Object, the path of destroying the spear of the enemy. It is possible that later there will be another extra point for Protection.
•Skulls 0.5 - 1 light mech + 2 med tanks + 2 light tanks
•1.5 skulls - 1 heavy mech + 1 heavy tank
•1.5 skulls - 3 light mechs + tanks 3 med + 1 heavy tank
•2 skulls - 1 med mech + 2 heavy mechs
•2-one - 6 light mechs + 2 med tanks
•2.5 skulls - 1 med mech + 3 heavy mechs
•2.5 skulls - 1 med mech + 3 heavy mechs
•2.5 skulls - 2 heavy mechs + 1 med mech + 1 assault tank
•2.5 skulls - 2 med mechs + tank 1 heavy + 1 assault tank
•3 skulls - 3 heavy mechs
•3 skulls - 4 heavy mechs
•3.5 skulls - 2 heavy mechs + 2 assault mechs
•3.5 skulls - 1 heavy mech + assault 3 mehcs
•4 skulls - 4 assault mechs
Critical hits
Crit is not a damage boost and it was knocking slots the weapons/equipment/ammunition. It's from the original Board game where when there is damage to the structure, the player must roll the cubes are there in Crete, or not, the number of critical hits, if any, and what stands out. At 8 and 9 2d6 - 1 Crete, 10 and 11 - 2 Crete, 12 - 3 Crete (in the case of leg or arm - automatic separation).
In terms of this game is not very important because of the possibility to make the location of one sighting in one gulp. In nastolki aiming to shoot is the exception rather than the rule. Very rarely is given the opportunity. So in terms of when there is a scatter of hits, to say the enemy is a very nice and often very helpful.
But there is also the concept of floating island of Crete is a Crete components in the whole armor. And, in my opinion, the game this principle is implemented, too. In this case, it is critical retains some relevance.
- cricuit only on the structure
- if you kitanola something, it immediately goes down
- Crete does not mean increased damage, but only damage to internal hardware.
Here system : the random number generator finds:
a) will be Crete or not
b) in any occupied equipment slots hits of Crete.
Guns shoot 3 portions (in contrast to the resins of the laser and flamer) and that is another reason why Crete is better.
Here are all +3 melee hit or +3 hit defence is the echo desktop. Let's say the difficulty roll to hit of 6 means 6 or more should be discarded in 2 standard 6-sided dice to get there. If there is a gyro +3 hit defence, it is +3 to difficulty, so to get to 9 or more, which is harder. In short, these pieces reflect the modifiers in the randomayzer. +3 melee hit is +3 to shot accuracy, and no damage. That is, when the complexity of the impact melee 9, enough on the dice 6. Very cool stuff.)
When you move from system 6-sided dice for decimal-percentage change has occurred the difficulties of the throw 1\12 1\20, i.e. 5%.
Repost of my answer to the Koss to the question of his videos there appear to be some taken out of context. And it is certainly not translation.)) You're even a little curvature of my text skopipastil not looking, there it was not important in context, and then striking. So, in the last sentence, change difficulties throw 1\12 1\20 is to understand as a step change difficulties throw 1\12 1\20. Then it becomes clear that +3 is +15% in the realities of the game and why.
He's just everywhere. He pulls my posts rutrekere to Koss from Koss here, here in the VC... I don't know where to go from him.) Met only on ofitsialke, but there all in English. Terrible supervillain - people-copy-paste.))