Codes converters and safes (Elex)
Converter South Abessa - 5768Converter North Abessa - 3210
A Converter Edan - 1438
Converter in tavera 3729
A Converter Ignatane - 4715 (4486 safe)
Converter in West Xacore - 0475
Converter in East Xacore - 0666(0666 safe)
Safety Deposit box
As it passes will add the codes ...
Find the code to the safe in a 2 story house under Converter in East Xacore. I could not ( All the rest are either hacked or a code close to where it is written
I really safe here in the ruins of the factory second floor ?It can't be hacked.
A button to Hack, gives you uranie type *>*<*<*
Substitute the appropriate numbers to the equation, press Int. Green are correct. Yellow - is in the equation but not at this place. Red - out of the equation
Yushimitsy wrote:
I really safe here in the ruins of the factory second floor ?It can't be hacked.
Still up to date. Or is this quest a safe and code it?
and I don't know there are safes that do not hack at all I can and quest XS in the faction did not enter all walk through the world of trolls and orcs with a sledgehammer here.
Code to produce the first conversation with the bartender (can't remember the name)
in the Fort.
what is the code of the safe in a private home in the village of Istok? a key is given to door and safe to drink-but no hints, nothing.
I hacked it yesterday, there were some garbage, code 8697.
There is another indoor save it without the code.
do you know the codes in this bunker to point the Ruins of the Dome(ascended by Elevator,through the glass Igniton visible)-the Outcasts in the desert....BL. in short, catch screens
It's not you took the Elevator and went down under the crater of the volcano. There is a second Elevator, the exit to the castle in Ignalina. Code from these doors, is known in the course of a very interesting quest that you can easily fuck it up. Here is the info on the quest
If you can not wait to enter the code here
Спойлер7817 one code to both Vorotan will not be interested. What you'll find behind these gates - Megapolis.
Found the password to the safe in the sand in the building of the Converter 0605 as the date of the birthday note.
now it is clear that the leaves of the four houses I sometimes find, outside of quest :)
I thought I may have missed a clue,so I asked(usually prompts where you write next,notes,letters,wall,just writing on the wall, etc.), but to shove ahead of the engine don't want to. You're right,so it will be interesting.Thanks for the reply.
Code for rusty safe in the alcohol plant - 7616.
In the Fort, the capital of the rogue, in a conversation with a male bartender, upon successful verification of skills (Survival 4) can be bought or weapons, or ammo, or whatnot. Here are among the stuff will be"Crumpled piece of paper with the code.