Your expectations from the game (Anno 1800)
I as a fan of the Anno series, I hope that the developers will make a fascinating storyline campaign, and return all of the interesting gameplay features cut from the previous parts, namely, normal trade, a balanced economy, the development of relations in the region, expeditions, and other already forgotten the chips of the previous partsWell, I'm waiting for in the first place, to back system the island, as in the previous parts of the series, and the fight for resources, and this capital region where nothing happens made me such gloom in the 2205 that I turned it off, when he reached the second level of citizens and removed.
Throughout the series I liked it a race for a limited amount of resources, the struggle and war amulet. 1404 my favorite part, as a lover of the middle ages and 1800 because I have great expectations in this plan - bring back the rivalry in real-time.
You can leave many different regions, but should be based on the fight against equal opponents, but travel to other regions, such as the must sursatisa after the funding of the research expedition.
There should be a system where you have to beat the opponents strategically, and in the case of fail - to send troops, helping them saboteurs from the inside. I would even bought it if it was.
Only took two comments to explain what you need in a new part of ANNO. I was very disappointed ANNO 2205, like good urban planning, but already there just to build a necessary. In ANNO 1404 to develop the economy, to fight against the AI on sea and on land. Had an incentive to develop the city further, and in ANNO 2205 he was gone. Though ANNO and 2070 2205 is also good, but not for me.
It would be very cool and what I expect is, if they actually made a good gameplay, the part of the military component. Mainly of course, on land, in 1404 it certainly was interesting, but too wet. In 2070, the land itself did not exist. After all, 1800 is the muskets, cannons, cavalry, artillery, etc. To be long delayed. (In 1404 with complex AI, it was not easy. With the players 50/50. But it quickly bored, that it was easier to buy the keys to the city. Do not say anything about 2070. Put a couple of Agarak, the island is empty. Although it was quite interesting. But not so fascinating, well, if only for the first time of the game). To the army it was necessary to collect very quickly, but a lot to lose, and how fast, and for a very long time. Everything depended on the player to certain mechanics and strategies. Expect to have added more defensive and attacking structures. In General, to have finally for the whole series. Did normal military gameplay. After all, what a powerful and great power will exist without the same powerful and great army.
return much goods become again physically and visually accumulated, the island is noticeably grows up enough space and trains:
the ships are like sailing and steam - each with their own pros and cons.
fish not much happened... the fights will return to the regions.
what is the role of trains? transportation of goods or people (confused by the turn of the train with the square tile)
but someone did not attend the question and why not a series about the 20th century? I mean time say 30 years,I understand that a significant event was the second world at the time, but as not to focus and almost to circumvent this with, say, side quests to collect resources(for war, etc.)
slightly depart from the topic:the horror of war and the imprint it has left on Europe, I do not understand why almost all the games,movies etc. about that period, necessarily military.
Interestingly, there is at least someone read the developer blogs? Quite a strange feeling when you see wishlist, knowing that the game will be. Precisely spelled out:
History - only in the sea. In the targets Blubyte are unable.
Goods are physical, they can take on Board and to ship.
Trade - with their ships and rented charters.
Opponents will be on the neighboring Islands, war and diplomacy will be.
The multiplayer will be.
In the game (without add-ons) will be available for two region. The second to colonize is not required.
5 classes of the population. Need all, because they produce a workforce different types.
Will the system priorities (administration) that will allow you to specialize in certain areas.
The meaning of trains they never come up. Yet.
Labor can be transported between the Islands, probably passenger vessels.