The game is not saved. (pirates) (Final Fantasy 15)
Help please, worried with this for 2 hours. The game simply refuses to continue. Maybe it's because I'm a greedy pirate, but the other things are working. Downloaded the Repack from hatab and the game is not savitsa. Searched the folder with the saves, but never found. Maybe the problem is that the folders to save just not if the point, help to create a folder with the saves. (And no found is in the codex folder, but it has not given me anything). Save still don't work.The Windows 10, the path to the game in Latin, the minimum requirement of iron meets.
the latest version?
C:\Users\Public\DocumentsSteamCODEX\637650 the folder with the save, the idea is so everyone may is read-only. Should clean it up
ЦитатаFinal Fantasy XV: Windows Editionне work save
If you don't work save in the game, or the game is not saved, verify that you have enough space on the disk where the folder with the save game, most likely it is drive "C" is the drive where you installed OC. Also make sure that the path to the folder saves has only letters.
You can still try to pereustanovit, that can in the registry spoiled and the game always overwrites the save as new
walkris disk space enough. In C:\Users\Public\Documents\Steam\CODEX\637650 folder and in truth was only for reading, but I have pirates and the idea is a folder for saves in steam or am I confusing. Changed the folder to not read-only, but result is the same. I found the empty slots for saves in a folder slots, but they just do not saved. Reinstalling will leave for emergencies.
although the stop I'm going to do all the game files are not read-only in the pirates of maybe work
Okay so it was the folder with the saves which you pointed out to me. I tried to download a save with completed game and then just start a new game, but I think the problem is that the game itself saves nothing. In manual does not work either.
Well, your advice is probably better. However I'm apparently blind because you cannot see them. For something to write useless comments, off-topic, you are the master!
10 Windows you have turned off all the protection??? tipo defender and accounting control records??? also look for the saves in quarantine
put in an exception for Windows defender and even disabled it and still not be saved. AAAAAAAAAA LAAAAAAAAAAA
Damn, I already deleted , now downloading the Repack from mechanics. Put download and if tomorrow will be the same garbage skins Skype :D
Beirut I'm a little late with the fix is easy I'm at the cottage and rocked a little long. Downloaded another Repack, and again the same garbage. Right now skins Skype.
let's wait and better discordo I just have this shitty version of Skype for Windows 10, which does not even start.
Also faced with such a problem, in the game folder created a folder save and saving worked