how to advertise online ?
Please advice a budding entrepreneur. The fact that for a long time worked in government. For more than 10 years – the brain is made in full, drove itself to certain standards "silver and iron". Quit, and decided to do their business. Opened a lingerie shop. Gain momentum. Well, considering that more and more shopping on the Internet, decided to create an online store. But surely that did not. Statistics of visits to the site of the store is far from desirable. On shopping what to say. How to make a website visited?nogameover
nogameover wrote:
How to make a website visited?
BOOBS!!! especially if underwear trade, Shaw would then direct vysalivaniya TITS!!! enti everywhere. and the logo just do one huge tit with red nipple, clicking on which the visitor of your boob site start Kaku any lottery ticket. well, for the prizes of a pair of pants to stand out, the people easiest to freebies susceptible. the main thing - BOOBS!!!
Spoilergate if you sell women's clothes, then, baby, you're out. Well, if risk - changing BOOBS!!! on PUSSY!!!, lottery, freebies and...
Yes, the road will master going, good luck.
User000000 wrote:
Advertising online and on TV to run.
Posters to make and vivisci in the city centre.
Good advice. But too small. It is better to ask your relative from the state Duma to give all deputatam an invitation to a cocktail party on your yacht, and already there to present them your business.
In General, I think that soon the topic will appear in the just-registered people who will tell you about a wonderful website that will certainly help everyone to promote their sites. Other reasons for creating this theme I do not see.
there are two ways. either Yandex/Google tons of dough to throw (but then you'll have to find a man with the head, who will be able to properly set up the company), or to gather proper semantic kernel (that does the job) and to write selling texts on each page (not APSA on copywriters), maybe somebody with a search engine will be secured itself. all other methods (advertising in social networks, posters, flyers and other shit), much less conversion will bring, as there is no clear targeting
nogameover wrote:
But surely that did not. Statistics of visits to the site of the store is far from desirable.
and Yes, as long ago opened a store that should already be poseschalka? if the month-six months ago, then forget all about this word. go optimize your texts for the issuance and reference weight gain
User000000 wrote:
Posters to make and vivisci in the city centre. Something like - the biggest store there is something now in our city.
You can even advertise in the series to push as 1Xbet )
you just BIZNIS-treningi for aspiring entrepreneurs to lead. ay lol
Determinant wrote:
In General, I think that soon the topic will appear in the just-registered people who will tell you about a wonderful website that will certainly help everyone to promote their sites.
Well, tell us only what was nice people there chavoy acre undies produt.
picaper wrote:
...much less conversion will bring, as there is no clear targeting
this is why you so, man, pins?
picaper wrote:
...optimize your texts for the issuance and reference weight gain
picaper wrote:
you just BIZNIS-treningi for aspiring entrepreneurs to lead. ay lol
was this whole hour one donkey poured the rest of the sheep, as it is for three weeks suffered the depths of business here entoy great the pamphlet (which immediately and sold for the price of a used bike).
yeah, but still showed the keys to the Ferrari, like...
and linen is what the lower bed? Clothes in Internet-shops do not buy, therefore do not go to such sites, the thing I try on, feel it is necessary.
nogameover full articles any how to promote your website, product
Krucinski the quiet badass
Krucinski the quiet badass wrote:
Well, tell us only what was nice people there chavoy acre undies produt.
No, the scheme is slightly different. It is well seen in another topic this author, which can easily be detected in her profile: in which she wondered where to sell a car, as any good website for selling cars online could not find. And two days later the topic came people, registered on the same day (however, write the first and last for yourself a day on the forum, in multiple topics -the gods of marketing, impossible to crack) and told everyone what the website need to sell a car. It's, like, all the same, people earn and earn, but just not very nice when you (the audience to which you belong) believe a moron, which for analytical work predisposed not more than the average representative of the class insect. However, many seem to meet the expectations of these children Pelevin...
you Poirot :)
and really like the intentional promotion of sites, and the FIC with them
it seems to me that the linen usually go to the nearest supermarket and not in the digital store
and so ought to study topics about SEO optimization on unique queries, geolocation, and add all sorts of crap such as we are in contact
S wrote:
you Poirot :)
Anticipated that response. Counted, however, on comparison with Sherlock - I am , after all, thin and curly, not a fat and mustachioed. If you seriously, then a lot of mind there is no need. No one in their right mind would first have to spend a lot of time and resources to create an online store, then to the forum of gaming website to ask how to spin it. It's just crazy.
Determinant wrote:
Counted, however, on comparison with Sherlock
my favorite detective movie is Poirot performed by D. Land, that right would cuddle, and pulls to communicate, but you have become? :),
then our Livanov in the role of Sherlock and P. Falk in Colombo.
probably because Poirot most of all language, more like.
advertisers look was pobedili all :)
I'm not talking about Picabia)
Not very friendly looking guys on the forum. The girl just looks like your business is trying to somehow spin out, advice asks. And you once with charges, as prosecutors. If the is pushed, the links probably would have been some.
It is strange to experience kindness to people who keep all the idiots.
NevidimkaSS wrote:
If the is pushed, the links probably would have been some.
Like the links that you very successfully appeared in the subject by this author two days after its incorporation, (which, coincidentally, happened on the same day as the registration of someone who is very svoemesto came to the rescue with a link to the topic about selling a car from the same author) ?
Good afternoon. You did the right thing that discovered your website. But what would promote it, you need to advertise. There are such people as crowd-marketers. For the money they of course do promotion and advertising sites. Companies crowd-marketing is now a lot. Look on the Internet.
Now besides the website of the online store, usually create pages and social networks. Or in thematic groups the announcement of the sale of the goods are placed. But it's hard work and quick results can be expected. And of course, what I wrote above - the crowd-marketing, if you don't want to bother with promotion and have an extra couple of cents. And also pay attention to the quality, price and range of goods, customer service is also important. A satisfied buyer will make You a better advertising.
On the website, the Playground can earn rewards, then the earned bonus to buy an Ad.
God, that feeling when the mountain is a crowd-marketers are advised to do the crowd-marketing...
TS — I'm afraid you don't have to do website promotion (your/someone else — without a difference) , as the text in the first post, and breathes the artificiality. Obviously, the post was written on the knee quick. Either learn to write advertising messages that are well disguised as natural, or do not meddle in the crowd at all.
Come on, to advertise itself ,it seems to me quite problematic, especially if little experience, it's better to trust the professionals. Good people that do advertising on the Internet today, hundreds of prices from all itonly adequate, so the choice is completely yours will be)
Yes, the online clothing store to open very profitable, step by step instructions read article nothing complicated, just the time we need and desire. And about the ads - of course, porfessional should do, but there must not be the cheap deals from the Internet, because a true professional to dump prices for services will not be among them, and so offers more than enough for unprofitable work people will undertake.