The problem with the game (Galaxy on Fire 2)
Help please downloaded the game installed it set up all in GoF2Launcherе press play and all the game didn't even start then I directly launched through the EXE and the same thing does not start help PL...Download Galaxy On Fire 2 HD NoCD/NoDVD/Crack [1.0 EN] {RELOADED} on this website !
I have here a problem - why not go to 6 stations trade, saying the lack of staff for the pirates blah blah blah and writing to come later
If you are not allowed into the station because of pirates ,then you need to fly around the station and find the base of pirates .Usually it is somewhere 10km away from the station ,look for the red tumannosti and fly there and destroy the pirates on the rest of the pirates ,don't forget to collect from the pirate stations load when it explodes .Then fly back to the station where you previously were not allowed ,there you will have to wait for the reward !!!
Guys, where can I learn how to play on PC with a gamepad, or throw someone Xpadder profile for GoF 2, please)
You can play without Xpadder and simply start the game through the launcher and put yourself under control.
Well, the first patch actually came out three days after release. So what about the game will not be forgotten. Moreover, can further and add the PC release...
and where this patch can be found? or did you mean a patch for the PC version?