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zdrastE 21.09.19 06:24 pm

ask your question to President

sobsno, ask.
by the way, it would be nice to read your own answers to these questions. I wonder if they match with the answers of the leader of the nation?

I would, for example, asked - if he sees an opportunity in the foreseeable future to return the exchange rate of the dollar to pre-crisis ratio (30 rubles per dollar)?
and I think, unfortunately, this is not yet feasible. I would venture to suggest that the President will do the same thing... unless of course you consider necessary in General to answer it. heh, heh... his art gracefully away from the specifics more than known on the expanses of the homeland, and behind its limits too (as does his shoulder is a solid school of training).
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Posledovatel Perelmana 21.09.19

And that so hurts the TSE for the course? Probably of foreign currency loans gained like a bitch fleas?)

Puleneprobivaemyy 21.09.19

I would have asked what he plans to do after retirement... There are such fans of the knitting cross-stitch, or regulars anglers because it should be plenty of time.

Gauguin 21.09.19

I would have asked him how he manages to make the arbitrary (whatever that means) liberal opposition look like such fools to the people did not see alternative to him. Truly a skill.

A.Soldier of Light 21.09.19

Do. As you look at this real Neckermann opposition, wondering what they hope? The defeat of the country, and let it democratization in Russia? 8) And why state that there are only a couple of centuries, will indicate to the state that there are more than thousands of years, what to do? Funny...

zdrastE 21.09.19

Follower Perelman
loans? no, God spared me.
my e... well, it's so simple that even embarrassing to explain. in 2014 as a result of the rapid collapse of the ruble all holding their funds in national currency at once, at a time became two times poorer. of course, for the greater good, blah-blah-blah, the goal of the budget was saved and, incidentally, at my expense including. did I want this? heh, heh... (sad) you might think that my opinion is one of the gods of Olympus were interested in. estesno, I would like to return lost loot.

Gauguin wrote:
I would have asked him how he manages to make the arbitrary (whatever that means) liberal opposition look like such fools to the people did not see alternative to him.
well, it's easy completely fit into the paradigm of survival of the current regime.
surely the leader would issue something like that - the presence of the opposition in all its manifestations proves the high level of democratization in the public consciousness of Russian citizens and loyal relation of the authorities to all who disagree with the methods of its implementation. of course, if this disagreement does not contradict the legislation of the Russian Federation.
maintaining the same quality of the opposition at the appropriate level is not included in the duties of the President of the Russian Federation. that is what it is.
heh, heh... another of the opposition I have for Mr. no Gauguin, but Gauguin other we of the opposition will find"
SpoilerOther writers I have for you there! - comrade Stalin, comrade Polikarpov to the complaint at the latest "immoral lifestyle" of the then writers.

if comrade Gauguin interested in my opinion about them given the President the question, for starters I would like to know in what for him is evident idiocy of the opposition.
people do not see alternatives? the opinion of the people Mr. Gauguin learned directly from communication with him or used any other sources of information?

A. Soldier of Light wrote:
Do. As you look at this real Neckermann opposition, wondering what they hope? The defeat of the country, and let it democratization in Russia?
as always, submission of homegrown fighter with all the bad for all the good about the purpose of the opposition is incredibly far from the truth of their content.
destroy the country? WHAT THE HELL?! then to live in this ruined country?
Spoilergate, data on desire to crush the country our military had learned from the opposition or from the grandmothers sitting on a bench near the entrance?
Spoiler my... remembered - the Nightingale tweet. after all, a special reverence and our trust brotherly chuvyrla (source Born of the revolution) and experiencing the trills notorious in Russia feathery creature.

Posledovatel Perelmana 21.09.19

own fault for trusting a wooden
I need that gold to buy

Zamkadysh 21.09.19

Tell Volodya it is not for nothing..))

zdrastE 21.09.19

Follower Perelman
Follower Perelman wrote:
own fault for trusting a wooden
I'm not alone, the whole country. a more elegant way of obtaining money from the population could not come up with even comrade O. Bender. and that someone is responsible for it, retired? no, only one arrogant laughter no money, but you hold on and... silence.
Follower Perelman wrote:
I need that gold to buy
and a lot of you bought it?
and by the way, the view of liquidity of investments in precious metals is overrated.

Posledovatel Perelmana 21.09.19

I don't have many in my dollars all the stocks but if you look at the fluctuations in the green and gold while the latter is more stable than the dollar has lost yet , but it's not yet known what will happen next

RussianQuaker 21.09.19

Hello wrote:
the leader does not accept the laws. they passed by the Duma. all claims against him.
So this Duma and designates the security officer. So the questions to him. If the king is unable to cope with the nobles, let them try the mayor of the city any work, there is less responsibility.

And why-how to seize the Crimea, so it is immediately personal credit, security officer. Although the Crimea, as time has shown, now very few people vsralsya.

WanRoi 21.09.19

Why ask, if a straight line is a show - off, for far from the minds of people.

P. S For the whole stream of forces is not enough(almost threw up) because a lie and the language to train at such a chatter - it should be able.

zdrastE 21.09.19

WanRoi wrote:
Why ask, if a straight line is a show - off, for far from the minds of people.
show what? the leader had finally mastered the entire talent tree and got the last skill - the skill of God?

Hellberg 21.09.19

The less PU*ina you ask the more he will lie in response )

zdrastE 21.09.19

now after a session of mass psychotherapy all members of his political gatherings in the Federal channels in various ways praise the wisdom of the leader, trying to outdo each other in the interpretation of the answers of the President.
mad Mr. Putin if the meaning of some of his answers homegrown scientists interpreted not as he himself meant?
a weak current head of state to break the record stay in power, Mr Nazarbayev?

Alamut95 21.09.19

I see no reason to even ask him any question.

kile[Naturalnyy bolnoy na 21.09.19

But dislikes him on this direct line loaded notably.

Vaipen 21.09.19

I would ask when we have domestic appliance manufacturers, PC hardware and games at European level. And would get a response of something like "at the same time, when Crimea will return to Ukrainian and the dollar to 30. 4 uh"

SuperDoom 21.09.19

When 3080ti RAM DDR 5

SuperDoom 21.09.19

The problem is that they only can Pisanitsa in airplane crush. Therefore, and scored on everything. Eunuchs they are not enough!
And why-how to seize the Crimea, so it is immediately personal credit, security officer. Although the Crimea, as time has shown, now very few people vsralsya.
That's right! Now just messing with them, like our Crimea - nyashmyash. But good?

zdrastE 21.09.19

SuperDoom wrote:
Our Crimea - nyashmyash. But good?
the people Gutara, like in the beginning, to celebrate the guarantor and his comrades wanted to finally make Crimea a place of FREE recreation for all Russians.
yeah, I was about to announce, and here demAs blurted out his famous no money, but you hold. well, broke off initiative that Mr. Shaw would. type, avoid discrepancies in the testimony.
and I would ask such a question - does the lady of the President (he is now a bachelor) who is she, if of course not a secret?
by the way, the latest news
Georgia "closed" for tourists from Russia. The ban on flights
The presidential decree of 21 June 2019
On Friday evening 21 June, President of Russia Vladimir Putin signed a decree in which authorities, organisations and persons are prescribed:
in their activities proceed from the fact that from 8 July 2019 Russian airlines temporarily forbidden to engage in air transportation (including commercial) citizens from the territory of the Russian Federation on the territory of Georgia.
Source: www.kremlin.ru

well, how would I would like to decide when and where to go to relax. think that is enough warning, and the decision to accept himself.
well estesno question - Shaw, occupancy by tourists returned to home port Peninsula leaves much to be desired that it is necessary to increase and in such a manner? the next person - Turkey or Egypt?