Who is this mysterious stranger (Devil May Cry 5)
Here I'll gather facts about who is the one who tore Nero's handlet's start with the fact that I think it's Virgil
And so I start
The similarities in appearance
Part of the face which was shown in the trailer is very similar to the face of Virgil
Nose lip here for comparison
The similarity in clothing
Virgil Gloves
The straps on the shoes
And a lot of other facts
In the hand of Nero is Yamato and as we know Yamato is Vergil's sword he can feel the sword
The stranger tore my arm off with his bare hands and as we know, Vergil is cold blooded he stabbed Dante in 3 parts
Well all my assumptions and what you think?
Who is this stranger?
It would be nice if it is.I even wonder how it will justify developed.Dante because he banged in the first part.And I really want to learn on your main question he is the father of Nero or not.
Well, who else wanted to pull Nero to return to Yamato? Of course only Vergil XD he and my brother blade will pierce, Paul Fortune peremjat, sleep with the girl and her son rip the sword back :D
in General, I decided here more information to distribute
girl Nico which made the hand of Nero
she is the granddaughter of Nell Goldstein (she is in the manga)
in turn, when Nell did for Dante the familiar guns
here is a quote from wiki that is written about her, and about Nico
Nico granddaughter Nell Goldstein, who made Ebony & Ivory.
Nell Goldstein is the owner of the gun store.45 Caliber works, "and known to those who know how.45 Caliber artist for her expert crafting of custom firearms, although in her old age she took to simply upgrading firearms others have made. A close friend of Tony Redgrave (Dante under a pseudonym),
the Google translator
jax baron
and Yes, in 4 parts in the initial video clip was written this
he visited Fortuna to Dante to 3 parts
but it did not make a separate campaign mode very sorry
another detail noticed
the one who tore the arm of Nero, and those who are at a Arte of one and the same he just changed his costume, maybe it's Virgil
as you can see the scabbard of Yamato
what prevents him gear up and change the hairstyle
Ely Maze
I don't know, Yamato is a long katana, and the Arte can be seen that the sword anyway, so either you wrote the probability is small, but possible, or completely different character probabilities more that is also possible, so find out at gamescom.
Katana can be held by the sheath and it will look like from the rear view a bit shorter
Ely Maze
He usually keeps so sheath(screen), and please note the hair darker, Virgil decided to paint them.
by the way, again, the chronological order was changed
now fifth after 2
now it might be clear why Dante sensitive be worn well and with the ending 2 part converge at the end was a motorcycle
and if you look at the clothes Dante and how he had located hair it is more like 2 parts
and the fact that in part 2 Dante no beard game came out in 2003 and therefore there is no
and clothes are sensitive may differ because of the graphics
the game went to a new engine which was done 7 rezik
therefore, this hair color can be
on one engine they will be lighter and the other darker
an example screenshot of Dante above his hair out for another game engine and graphics become darker as well
here I unscrewed brightness on maximum Dante is seen with a black collar or something like it into 2 parts
I read something in English wiki Mundus in part 1 died, Dante was again in the demon world to send
and the soul of nelo Angelo's half in Yamato departed on the half of Virgil
Virgil, although he was weak but he could kill Mundus or just further weaken
here and converges part of the soul of Virgil in Yamato it can also be the cause
and Yes, Mundus right now, the status of Trapped in the Mallet Island vault. Trapped in the vault of the island of mallet.
On account of the third character on the cover of the game. I have a funny theory supported by some facts. If closely to consider the silhouette, we can see: dark hair, thin build (compared to the guys nearby), Packed with tattooed hands, a cloak without sleeves. All of this led me to Nico (Velma from Scooby-Doo). Of course, the hair is longer, but it can beat. Let's say at the end, after some time cut them or just clear coat.
it is unlikely that she is because in the trailer she gave to understand that it is a mechanic, an inventor that's more like what Nero would pump her hand she and the man in the poster standing with the right of Nero not so thin, most think that this character is simply still a kid, and if it is direct and would be Niko, the hide to such a degree it makes no sense, especially since the Director said that about this character you'll learn after completing the story
It is 100% not her. I came across a photo in good quality. They can see that other tattoo. Strange name Capcom gave just V.
One hundred pounds of what the game will be the time when Nero will meet with Virgil and was like: Oh you are infection hand I pressed , let's go to fight!
And after a while flies Dante and is like: Hey,Hey... girls, the lipstick I have...
V just called for a secret name as in mathematics in place of any numbers written X. this is Probably the first letter of the name of Persian, but he looks suspiciously like a Lady (at least the hairstyle) maybe her son, Or else some other character from another CAPCOM universe