Will the game be on PC? (Horizon: Zero Dawn)
It is a pity that the game came out on PC.Prince_Clark
100% come, first Mar YouTube Edison, with special features on a PC for 4K and 60fps
Either you spices to create a theme for sracha or not the smart people are asking such questions.
probably as soon as the order 1888 to port finish this I'll start with BH textures дх12 and asynchronous sadiraj.
Gathered here are morons, and talking nonsense to do PC=Xbox,then any game will run on my PC=console.
No. Just have PS4 to sell... You think who needs Curling without exclusives? :)
Went oil and the fire to pour. Yes, we on the PC without it I have lived without ekzov continue to live normally.
do not worry so I bought a Curling iron on game spent 200 thousand! in addition to the fins of the AC and bradburn there and not to play in that ! Callas has one and skukatischa. and the last enerdata direct from the drive took about a dog and the beach and drive sold! so PC games are better. the Witcher on the PS4 so lag PPC)).
the only thing worthwhile is blagburn gdenit in the country and one ten pass. the rest of the press box the wines.