Occult eye. (Vampyr)
Much hangs on the outcome of this quest.Spoilera can decide on actions, to give him the diary, that he did with the blood of the ghouls themselves the cure or not.
The result is only that the outcome is not known, but Swanberg said mol is ready for all risks.
Who knows what the outcome will be, if I gave him diary of a chemist?
A word of advice, make a backup of the saves folder C:\Users\ИМЯ USER\AppData\Local\AVGame\Saved\SaveGames and file GameSave_Slot# ( where # is the slot where you sohranki 1,2 or 3 ), take a copy this file to slave.table, or somewhere else, try one Vario - not suitable, copied the file on the slave table and transferred to the folder with the save, run and voila, try it.
Or well, Vario is easier to find on YouTube this moment and try